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Remote install freeze at AI_VerifyPrereq


The remote installation freeze occurred at the AI_VerifyPrereq part in the hyper-v guest VM. The prerequisite was uninstalled just before the freeze started, and there was no error message in the log file.
MSI (s) (98:D8) [16:49:00:756]: Doing action: AI_VerifyPrereq
Action start 16:49:00: AI_VerifyPrereq.
MSI (s) (98:F0) [16:49:00:756]: Invoking remote custom action. DLL: C:\Windows\Installer\MSI2716.tmp, Entrypoint: VerifyPrereq
to reproduce: Once the MSI has been copied to the Hyper-V guest virtual machine, run this command line in hyper-v host

Code: Select all

Invoke-Command -VMName virtual-machine1 -Credential $DCLocalCredential -ScriptBlock { Start-Process -FilePath 'msiexec.exe' -ArgumentList '/i "C:\path\to\package.msi" /qn' -Wait }
advanced installer version: 19.6

N.B: This error is only present in remote mode.
Posts: 6700
Joined: Wed Jun 13, 2018 7:49 am

Re: Remote install freeze at AI_VerifyPrereq

Hello and welcome to our forums,

In order for me to further test and investigate this, could you please forward me a more detailed test-case?

From my understanding so far:

- I need to remotely invoke msiexec to install an MSI on a VM

- that MSI need to have a prerequisite

Is this all? I'm mostly asking because of this line:
The prerequisite was uninstalled just before the freeze started, and there was no error message in the log file.
Was the prerequisite already installed and you manually removed it beforehand?

Best regards,
Catalin Gheorghe - Advanced Installer Team
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Re: Remote install freeze at AI_VerifyPrereq

Hello Catalin,

- the MSI install the prerequisite and then uninstall them after that the installation freeze

- AI_VerifyPrereq should return value 3 and trig a rollback since the prerequisites are missing, instead the MSI installation freeze

- the main issue is remote install an MSI on a hyper-v VM, I can install the MSI manually or silently but not remotly
Was the prerequisite already installed and you manually removed it beforehand?
nothing is already installed in the VM

Best regards,
Posts: 6700
Joined: Wed Jun 13, 2018 7:49 am

Re: Remote install freeze at AI_VerifyPrereq


What I find a bit confusing is this:
- the MSI install the prerequisite and then uninstall them after that the installation freeze
Could you please ellaborate more on this? How is the prerequisite installed and then uninstalled during the same installation process of the main package?

Or even better, do you think you could provide a sample project that reproduces this? You can send it by email at support at advancedinstaller dot com.

Here's what the sample project would consist of:

- the AIP file for the main package

- the AIP file for the prerequisite (only if you create it using Advanced Installer)

- the download link for the main package

Best regards,
Catalin Gheorghe - Advanced Installer Team
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