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Joined: Mon Jul 11, 2005 12:39 am

File Associations do not seem to work properly

As a test, I created a file association for the file extension "aaa"

In Advanced Installer it appears as:

- AAA File {Description} {MSI Test AAA file}
.... - aaa {Command} {TARGETDIR\MSITest.exe}
.......- &open {Verb} {open} -&- {Argumments} {"%1}

When the resulting MSI file is installed, the registry has

HKCU\.aaa {Default} {AAA File}

HKCU\AAA File {Default} {MSI Test AAA file}
HKCU\AAA File\Shell {Default} {open}
HKCU\AAA File\Shell\open {Default} {&Open}

HKCU\AAA File\Shell\open\Command
{Default} {"C:\....proper path ...." "%1" }
{command} {jXh=LEMCk?Rv~DQZ*=PV>*nLY!Yh7*9[^F%A?cnbm "%1"}

The items in green should not be present
and, the default icon key value is not present but should be.

What is wrong with the setup ?
Posts: 292
Joined: Wed Jun 01, 2005 10:50 am
Location: Craiova, Romania
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The additional registry values in not due to Advanced Installer.

Is is a known behavior and it is related to Microsoft's Windows Installer. It is not known to do any harm but I don't know its use either.

Anyway, the file associations work properly.

Mihai Bobaru
Advanced Installer Team

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