for more then a year we were using AI version 18.7 with a custom code signing tool to sign the installer. This worked perfectly without any issues.
Recently we updated our installer with new language settings and custom action, and in that instance also updated to AI version 20.1.1. Since then, the code signing with the custom code signing tool is not working anymore because in the last step of the sign process (uploading the .exe package after already sucessfully signing the .cab and .msi package) a wrong file is uploaded to the code signing service. I tried to figure out on my own why this might be happening but without success.
We use a jenkins pipeline to build the installer. The Line in the .aip script for the code signing has not changed between the script versions. We use:
Code: Select all
<COMPONENT cid="caphyon.advinst.msicomp.DigCertStoreComponent">
<ROW TimeStampUrl="" SignerDescription="[|ProductName]" SignOptions="7" SignTool="0" UseSha256="1" CustomToolPath="E:\prereq\RSSignTool.exe" CustomToolCmdLine="sign -c rs_codesign_sha2 -u [|SIGNUSERNAME] -p [|SIGNUSERPW] -rt 300 -v"/>
Code: Select all
[ DefaultBuild ]
Creating MSI database (de)
Writing Summary Information
Creating MSI database (en)
Writing Summary Information
Building package: e:\jk\workspace\GSA.CSM.SLP\CSM_SLP_Installer_SC_Misc\build\ReleaseSC_7_9_2023\installer\Server\Rohde-Schwarz_INRADIOS_CSM_Server_4.11.0.0_Setup.exe
Prepare build
Detecting MSI incompatible resources
Preparing files
Creating CAB file(s)
Signing CAB file(s)
Creating transforms for additional languages
Creating MSI database
Writing Summary Information
Signing MSI
This file was signed with the certificate: Rohde & Schwarz GmbH & Co. KG
Creating EXE file
Signing EXE file
This file was signed with the certificate: Rohde & Schwarz GmbH & Co. KG
Validating MSI
Total build time: 15 min 56 sec.
Build finished successfully.
Code: Select all
[ DefaultBuild ]
Creating MSI database (de)
Writing Summary Information
Creating MSI database (en)
Writing Summary Information
Building package: e:\jk\workspace\GSA.CSM.SLP\CSM_SLP_Installer_SC_Misc\build\ReleaseSC_4_9_2023\installer\Server\Rohde-Schwarz_INRADIOS_CSM_Server_4.11.0.0_Setup.exe
Prepare build
Detecting MSI incompatible resources
Preparing files
Creating CAB file(s)
Signing CAB file(s)
Creating transforms for additional languages
Creating MSI database
Writing Summary Information
Signing MSI
This file was signed with the certificate: Rohde & Schwarz GmbH & Co. KG
Creating EXE file
The digital signing of the EXE failed. Error message: 'Command Line Parameters: [ rssigntool [ sign [ -c <rs_codesign_sha2> ] [ -u <(removed)> ] [ -p <*> ] [ -rt <300> ] [ -v ] [ file <C:\Windows\SystemTemp\BUIA857.tmp\resBB3B.tmp> ] *[ --debugservicenodenumber <0> ] *[ --failovertimeout <3600> ] *[ --filetransferblocksize <1024> ] *[ --debugclientversion <1.12.0> ] ] ]
Connecting code signing service ...
Connecting service node: (removed) ...
Connecting service node:(removed) ...
Connecting service node: (removed) ...
Connecting service node: (removed) ...
Maximum available service nodes: 4
Releasing unused service node: (removed) ...
Releasing unused service node: (removed) ...
Releasing unused service node:(removed) ...
Using service node:(removed) ...
Service Node : (removed)
Transaction ID : (removed)
Available Disk Space: 493 GB
Active Transactions : 1
Username : (removed)
Computer Name :(removed)
Uploading file: resBB3B.tmp [46 KB]
Preparing for signing ...
Only a detached signature is supported for the file type: TMP
Exit Code: 1 (Invalid Command Line)
For a possible solution please check our Digital Signature FAQ from: '
Build finished because an error was encountered.