Hi there,
i bought an prof licence of advanced installer, and i made some progress but somehow its still not easy to create an msi installer for my needs.
And thats the reason why i wrote here a post, hopefully someone can answer my questions. Iam pretty new with that program so please dont be so hard on me
i checked already a lot of youtube videos and tried to work with the ebook but for some questions i did not found an answer yet.
General Info
My Product is divided into 4 Modules
Modul1 runs in CAD App 1 and need APPDIR1
Modul2 runs in CAD App1 and need APPDIR2
Modul3 runs in CAD App2 and need APPDIR2
Modul4 runs in CAD App1 and need APPDIR2
Depending on privileges the Modul2-4 (APPDIR2) needs to installed in Programdata/Autodesk/ApplicationsPlugins or AppData/Roaming/Autodesk/ApplicationsPlugins
Additionally i need different Builds so each Supplier has its own Modul1-4
Licences will be controlled by the UI itself inside the CAD App
But the Check for Updates functionality should be implemented in the UI as well. But for the updating mechanism i need to close the CAD App.
My Product needs also multilingual dialogs and multilingual EULA
Additionally the user should be able to choose a network path if they want to install modul1 to network
What i did/achieved so far (i started with Modul2)
i did some tests with Install Parameters, so i tried to choose installation type "per machine - if user..." the result is that the user can choose if they would like to install it for a user or a for all. But i did not found a way to modify the path they are looking for, so AI_UserProgramFiles is not the path it need. Therefore i created a new Property InstallPath, combined with a CustomAction where the condition is Privileged = 1 and accordung to that the Path should be modified.
Additionally i created a custom action detect process to check if CAD App 1 running, if so then a messagebox should pop up to tell the user that they need to close Cad App 1 before restart Installation -> and abort the current installationprocess.
i did also activate german an english in my translations section and created an own directionary to map the different EULA's for different language codes.
Now my questions
1. Is there are way to use installationtype per machine but modify the AI_UserProgramData path`?
2. to check the privileges as customaction, do i need to check in the Wizard Dialog Stage or in the Install Execution Stage? or Both?
3. When i press on run again to uninstall it, they remove all the files/folders at the correct locations but starts again a new isntallation dialog. Why is there no Dialog to remove the things and then its over?
4. What is the best way to achieve modul1,2 in the same installer? as far as i understood i need to create a parent suite installation file, and depending on the feature i choose the child installers will be executed? or ist there another way to do that?
5. To create different Brandings for different Supplier i need to create different builds is that correct?
6. How i can integrate the CheckUpdate Process in my own Ui which is running inside the CAD App?
7. According to my CAD APP it could be that a user have several versions of the cad apps intalled, how can i detect the last (highest version) trough registry?
8. How i can check if the CAD app is isntalled in specific version?
9. i would like to have another dialog for network installation.
10. Finally i think about to modify some SQL Lite DB's during installation, what is the best way to rollback during uninstallation? The issue there is, i cannot drop easy a table, because i need to make some records in exsiting tables. and the Uniqueid also not fixed.
I hope this will not overwhelming you, but i really checked before a lot of resources but its still not clear for me. I also checked about some Trainingbooks or Trainingcourses. but i think there is no available.
Best regards and thank you for your help.