I have this crappy software we use that is a exe with no silent install. during the manual install there are a few text boxes where you have to insert product number and ID which are unique to my company. We have never had a silent way to install this and every year the software comes out with a new version which we have to manually upgrade users with.
I tried using Advanced Installer, when I covert the exe to a MSI, I can't see the dialog boxes under User interface to add the values needed in those boxes. If I do a extract all with 7zip of the original exe, I get a few msi, none of which show me the the dialog box from the manual setup where you add the values.
I tried doing a repackage installation where it monitors the install and then created a new package. This sort of works, the problem is, when I would do a manual install, at the end there is a checkbox to open the product. When the product opens it must finish the install. When I do the session monitoring, the monitoring finishes before I open the product. So now the problem is, I can install the product no problem from the new package that was created, but when the user goes to open it for the first time, it prompts you for admin creds which the users aren't local admins. I'm guessing because it wasn't opened during the monitoring session.
Wanted to see if anyone had any advice or ideas to get this solved. If I can get a silent install to work, I'll push this out with Intune and most likely psapp deploy tookit as I'll need users to close out prior to the install.