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Custom Properties Upload

I've set up a lab machine and done an install with an installer (created with AI 20.6) using Analytics. The install itself is correctly reported on the analytics site, in that we see an install using the software version of the lab machine. We don't see any custom properties uploaded though.
On the Analytics Page in advanced installer the
- "Always get installation data" radio box is selected
- "Send collected data using a secure connection" checkbox is unchecked
- "Display the users the uninstall survey" checkbox is unchecked
The Custom Properties has a couple properties I've selected added.

Looking at the installer log file I see the following:
Property(S): AI_IA_CUSTOM_PROPERTIES = AnalyticsTest|,Date|,Time|,ComputerName|,WindowsBuild|,ProductName|,ProductVersion|,MID|
which are the properties I've selected to be uploaded on the analytics page. The individual properties are also displayed with the correct values in the log
Property(S): AnalyticsTest = Testing!
Property(S): Date = 5/16/2023
Property(S): Time = 10:18:16
Property(S): ComputerName = DESKTOP-LFR0BQ4
Property(S): WindowsBuild = 19044
Property(S): ProductName = NOP
Property(S): ProductVersion = 2023.2.0511.1531
Property(S): MID = 911

When I click on @ Custom Properties however I see "Uh-oh! No data available"

I'm at a loss. Is there something else I should be doing either within the Advanced Installer utility or the Analytics website?
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Re: Custom Properties Upload

Hello Max,

This is quite strange.

I have run some tests just now and it looks like the Custom Properties are correctly displayed in my case:
Screenshot_119.png (55.52 KiB) Viewed 138592 times
Screenshot_120.png (18.81 KiB) Viewed 138592 times
Screenshot_121.png (12.13 KiB) Viewed 138592 times
Could you please run another installation on another machine and check again for the Custom Properties?

Best regards,
Catalin Gheorghe - Advanced Installer Team
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Re: Custom Properties Upload

Last night we did a deployment that was done at 50 customers. Again their installations are reflected on the installs page, but the custom properties page still shows no information.
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Re: Custom Properties Upload

Hello Max,

This is quite strange, indeed.

Are you, by any chance, using an EXE setup? If so, can you test this using an MSI and let me know if it works?

I will discuss this with our developer to see what we can do to further investigate this.

Best regards,
Catalin Gheorghe - Advanced Installer Team
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Re: Custom Properties Upload

Hello Max,

Have you had a chance to test what I've said in my previous reply?

If possible, please forward me the following resources:

- a copy of the .AIP file (the one you have used for testing)

- a download link for the setup (that you build with the above AIP file)

by email at support at advancedinstaller dot com so I can further investigate this.

Best regards,
Catalin Gheorghe - Advanced Installer Team
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Re: Custom Properties Upload

Sorry for the late reply. We are gearing up to our next release and I've come back to this. I've sent an email using secureshare / proofpoint. Please let me know if you have trouble with the link.
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Re: Custom Properties Upload

Hello Max,

Thank you for the provided resources!

Although I did not have troubles with the link, you have provided an AIP file with nothing defined in the "Custom Properties" field.

In order for me to test and investigate this, please forward me the exact AIP file which built the EXE you also provided.

Best regards,
Catalin Gheorghe - Advanced Installer Team
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Re: Custom Properties Upload

Whoops! Sorry. I've updated the files on the site. The original link from the email should now lead to those files.
Posts: 7131
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Re: Custom Properties Upload

Hello Max,

This is currently under our investigation.

As soon as I will have more information, I will make sure to share it with you.

Best regards,
Catalin Gheorghe - Advanced Installer Team
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Re: Custom Properties Upload

Hello Max,

As promised, here's my followup to this.

After further investigations, it looks like the issue was probably caused by a project conversion and the Custom Action that would send the data was no longer added in the project.

To fix this, please follows these steps:
  • Go in analytics view
  • Disable analytics
  • Change view from left menu (for data to flush)
  • Go back to analytics view
  • Enable analytics
  • Configure again the tracking code (as it was before)
  • Configure Report Installation Data to always (as before)
  • And all custom properties again
Hope this helps!

Best regards,
Catalin Gheorghe - Advanced Installer Team
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Posts: 64
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Re: Custom Properties Upload

Thank you! We did this and ran a test, and it worked!
Posts: 7131
Joined: Wed Jun 13, 2018 7:49 am

Re: Custom Properties Upload

You are alawys welcome, Max!

Glad to hear everything is working as expected now.

Best regards,
Catalin Gheorghe - Advanced Installer Team
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