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Joined: Tue Sep 22, 2020 1:39 am

Azure Devops Build Nuget Package issue?

Just Trying to get my installer setup DotnetCore 3.1 setup, I have my nuget feeds setup and can see that portion works. But when I get to the Build Advanced Installer Package It cannot find the items. Let me know your thoughts. Thanks

example of missing package

Code: Select all

Resources referred by the project are missing: 
Nuget Restore output

Code: Select all

Installing ClosedXML 0.95.3.
Resolving conflicts for .NETCoreApp,Version=v3.1...
Acquiring lock for the installation of Microsoft.Win32.SystemEvents 4.5.0
Acquiring lock for the installation of System.IO.Packaging 4.7.0
Acquiring lock for the installation of System.Drawing.Common 4.5.0
Acquiring lock for the installation of Microsoft.CSharp 4.7.0
Acquiring lock for the installation of ExcelNumberFormat 1.0.10
Acquiring lock for the installation of 4.4.2
Acquiring lock for the installation of DocumentFormat.OpenXml 2.11.3
Acquiring lock for the installation of ClosedXML 0.95.3
PackageSignatureVerificationLog: PackageIdentity: ClosedXML.0.95.3 Source: PackageSignatureValidity: True
Completed installation of ClosedXML 0.95.3
Posts: 8238
Joined: Mon Apr 02, 2012 1:11 pm
Contact: Website

Re: Azure Devops Build Nuget Package issue?

Hi and welcome to our forums,

We apologize for the delayed reply on this.

The related error usually occurs when the related files (referenced by the setup project) does not exist on disk (in the mentioned Azure DevOps build location) at build time.

Could you try to download locally your Azure DevOps Repository and manually open your VS .sln file and run a build operation?

All the best,
Daniel Radu - Advanced Installer Team
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