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Merge module in multiple install projects

I have a service in a merge module. In my products Product A and Product B, I want to add that merge module, and ensure, that the service it installs is the newest version, and that it is only ever uninstalled if both Product A and Product B are uninstalled. Is that possible? The only idea I had was a bit manual and meant having the merge module run in a separate Feature which is then de-selected during an uninstall...but that doesn't quite work like I want it. I've been told that in WIX, it can somehow be shared and give the effect I want...not sure if it is also possible here.

Product A and B are installed in random order. Product A and B should most likely be installed using the command prompt (silent install). There may also in the future be a Product C etc with the same requirements

Edit: I tried to add a new Feature only containing the merge module to both Proudct A and B installers. It actually seemed to have the effect I wanted. Tried to install both products, first A then B, then remove A. The service from the merge module was still there, and only disappeared after uninstalling Product B. I just wonder, if there are any "traps" I should be aware of?
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Joined: Wed Jun 13, 2018 7:49 am

Re: Merge module in multiple install projects


Thank you for your followup on this, I am glad you managed to get this working. :)

There shouldn't really be any "traps" here. The only thing is that this option is used by some customers by mistake and that's the only case when there are problems.

For instance, some customers get into a state where they have shared components and then question why some files are left behind after the uninstall process.

In your case, this is exactly the behavior your want with the shared component and therefore there shouldn't be any problems.

Best regards,
Catalin Gheorghe - Advanced Installer Team
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