I have a service in a merge module. In my products Product A and Product B, I want to add that merge module, and ensure, that the service it installs is the newest version, and that it is only ever uninstalled if both Product A and Product B are uninstalled. Is that possible? The only idea I had was a bit manual and meant having the merge module run in a separate Feature which is then de-selected during an uninstall...but that doesn't quite work like I want it. I've been told that in WIX, it can somehow be shared and give the effect I want...not sure if it is also possible here.
Product A and B are installed in random order. Product A and B should most likely be installed using the command prompt (silent install). There may also in the future be a Product C etc with the same requirements
Edit: I tried to add a new Feature only containing the merge module to both Proudct A and B installers. It actually seemed to have the effect I wanted. Tried to install both products, first A then B, then remove A. The service from the merge module was still there, and only disappeared after uninstalling Product B. I just wonder, if there are any "traps" I should be aware of?