Code: Select all
Function WriteToLog
Const MsgType = &H04000000
Set rec = Installer.CreateRecord(1)
rec.StringData(1) = CStr("Supplied parameters: AuthCode=[") + CStr(Session.Property("AUTHCODE")) + CStr("], Applications=[") + CStr(Session.Property("APPLICATIONS")) + CStr("], Additional Params=[") + CStr(Session.Property("ADDITIONALCERTIFICATEPARAMS")) + CStr("]")
'rec.StringData(1) = CStr("Any type of message can be wrote here")
Session.Message MsgType, rec
WriteToLog = 0
End Function
EDIT: The ONLY (and somewhat uncool) way I could make this work was to have a couple of "Set Installer Property" custom actions in the installer's Custom Actions. I set [MYPROP].<merge module GUID> to [INSTALLER_PROP] and that worked. But I think this is a bug, as that kind of defies the purpose of the parameters one can assign to a merge module (and which worked just fine for the VB Script).