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Joined: Mon Jun 24, 2024 8:11 am

IIS application Pool error at some installs


we have a simple Setup, and one part is the IIS config.
So, we create an Application Pool and configure a Website with basic settings.

The part about creating the application pool fails.
We see this only some time, and haven't figured out any connection to a specific server Version.

Here is the Log

[OPERATION]Application pool 'au2mator'
[INFO] Installing Application pool...
[INFO] Trying to retrieve 'au2mator' Application Pool...
[ERR] [ERR] Could not find AppPool.
[INFO] Trying to create AppPool..
[INFO] Changing commit path to 'MACHINE/WEBROOT/APPHOST'
[INFO] Committing changes to path 'MACHINE/WEBROOT/APPHOST'...
[OK] Commit done.
[OK] Commit path changed.
[INFO] Trying to get 'autoStart' property of 'add' element.
[OK] Found property autoStart; has VT=11 and Value='-1'.
[INFO] Try to set Prop. 'autoStart' to val '-1' (vt=11) for 'add' Elem..
[OK] autoStart property succesfully set.
[INFO] Trying to get 'cpu/action' property of 'add' element.
[OK] Found property cpu/action; has VT=3 and Value='0'.
[INFO] Try to set Prop. 'cpu/action' to val 'NoAction' (vt=8) for 'add' Elem..
[OK] cpu/action property succesfully set.
[INFO] Trying to get 'enable32BitAppOnWin64' property of 'add' element.
[OK] Found property enable32BitAppOnWin64; has VT=11 and Value='0'.
[INFO] Try to set Prop. 'enable32BitAppOnWin64' to val '0' (vt=11) for 'add' Elem..
[OK] enable32BitAppOnWin64 property succesfully set.
[INFO] Trying to get 'failure/rapidFailProtection' property of 'add' element.
[OK] Found property failure/rapidFailProtection; has VT=11 and Value='-1'.
[INFO] Try to set Prop. 'failure/rapidFailProtection' to val '-1' (vt=11) for 'add' Elem..
[OK] failure/rapidFailProtection property succesfully set.
[INFO] Trying to get 'managedPipelineMode' property of 'add' element.
[OK] Found property managedPipelineMode; has VT=3 and Value='0'.
[INFO] Try to set Prop. 'managedPipelineMode' to val '0' (vt=22) for 'add' Elem..
[OK] managedPipelineMode property succesfully set.
[INFO] Trying to get 'managedRuntimeVersion' property of 'add' element.
[OK] Found property managedRuntimeVersion; has VT=8 and Value=''.
[INFO] Try to set Prop. 'managedRuntimeVersion' to val '' (vt=8) for 'add' Elem..
[OK] managedRuntimeVersion property succesfully set.
[INFO] Trying to get 'name' property of 'add' element.
[OK] Found property name; has VT=0 and Value=''.
[INFO] Try to set Prop. 'name' to val 'au2mator' (vt=8) for 'add' Elem..
[OK] name property succesfully set.
[INFO] Trying to get 'processModel/identityType' property of 'add' element.
[OK] Found property processModel/identityType; has VT=3 and Value='4'.
[INFO] Try to set Prop. 'processModel/identityType' to val '3' (vt=20) for 'add' Elem..
[OK] processModel/identityType property succesfully set.
[INFO] Trying to get 'processModel/password' property of 'add' element.
[OK] Found property processModel/password; has VT=8 and Value=''.
[INFO] Try to set Prop. 'processModel/password' to val 'X89sB!d9@^jw9Uam' (vt=8) for 'add' Elem..
[OK] processModel/password property succesfully set.
[INFO] Trying to get 'processModel/pingingEnabled' property of 'add' element.
[OK] Found property processModel/pingingEnabled; has VT=11 and Value='-1'.
[INFO] Try to set Prop. 'processModel/pingingEnabled' to val '-1' (vt=11) for 'add' Elem..
[OK] processModel/pingingEnabled property succesfully set.
[INFO] Trying to get 'processModel/userName' property of 'add' element.
[OK] Found property processModel/userName; has VT=8 and Value=''.
[INFO] Try to set Prop. 'processModel/userName' to val 'SGH\SA_Automator' (vt=8) for 'add' Elem..
[OK] processModel/userName property succesfully set.
[INFO] Trying to get 'startMode' property of 'add' element.
[OK] Found property startMode; has VT=3 and Value='0'.
[INFO] Try to set Prop. 'startMode' to val 'OnDemand' (vt=8) for 'add' Elem..
[OK] startMode property succesfully set.
[INFO] Committing changes to path 'MACHINE/WEBROOT/APPHOST'...
COM Error [0x80090016]: (Keyset does not exist)[ERR] Cannot execute Commit operation.
COM Error [0xffffffff]: (Unknown error 0xFFFFFFFF)[ERR] Cannot execute Commit operation.
COM Error [0xffffffff]: (Unknown error 0xFFFFFFFF)[ERR] Could not create Application Pool.

MSI (s) (70!E8) [08:21:31:257]: Product: au2mator - Self-Service Portal -- Error 4034. There was an error during the IIS configuration process while trying to install Application pool 'au2mator'.

Your original IIS configuration will be restored.

CustomAction AI_IIsConfig returned actual error code 1603 (note this may not be 100% accurate if translation happened inside sandbox)
Action ended 8:21:31: InstallFinalize. Return value 3.
Posts: 7030
Joined: Wed Jun 13, 2018 7:49 am

Re: IIS application Pool error at some installs

Hello and welcome to our forums,

If possible, could you please have a look over the following thread which seems to debate a similar issue:

Error 4020 during IIS

and let me know if it helps?

Yes, the error seems to be different but the log seems to be quite the same.

Hope it helps!

Best regards,
Catalin Gheorghe - Advanced Installer Team
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Posts: 2
Joined: Mon Jun 24, 2024 8:11 am

Re: IIS application Pool error at some installs

Hi, not. I have seen that post before, but that does not help.
Any other ideas?
Posts: 7030
Joined: Wed Jun 13, 2018 7:49 am

Re: IIS application Pool error at some installs


I'm afraid not.

if possible, could you please forward me the following resources:

- a copy of the AIP file

- a download link for the setup

by email at support at advancedinstaller dot com so I can further test and investigate this on our end?

Best regards,
Catalin Gheorghe - Advanced Installer Team
Follow us: Twitter - Facebook - YouTube

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