Hi there!
During the installation of our project we check connectivity to a database. We use odbc connection string to connect to the Oracle database. For testing purposes we use x64 bit OS(see OS.png). We build our binaries as AnyCPU assemblies. On test VM we install x64 bit version of the odbc driver for Oracle. Installer has "Mixed 32/64-bit matching the platform" package type. When I extract msi packages from the .exe installer I see two versions: normal one and .x64(see Extract.png). But installation process is always x86 process and when we check connectivity to a database using custom action we always try to load 32-bit version of the odbc driver and fail, because it is not installed(see ODBC.png). This doesn't happen with PostgreSQL and SQL server as their odbc driver installer contains both x86 and x64 bit version and have the same names for different bitness. As a result we have an error in log "Open connection failed System.Data.Odbc.OdbcException (0x80131937): ERROR Data source name not found and no default driver specified" (see Log.png).
How it is possible to ensure that installer runs as x64 bit process or choose under the hood msiexec x64-bit?