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Running a java app after installer


When launching the app (with the java lauch tool) from the installed shortcuts it works perfect.
(Where "run in"-path is the innstalled app folder)

I have enabled the "Launch the application at end of the installation."

The problem is that the application is not launced from the new programfiles folder, but from the folder of the innstaller (or some where).
So the files that the java app uses cannot be found. (Using ".\" folder)

How can i sett the "run in"-path for the lauch-after-innstall dialog?

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Location: Craiova, Romania
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Hi Jon,

We couldn't replicate the problem you are encountering. All our tests are successful.

If you can, please send us the AIP file of you application to support at advancedinstaller dot com.

Best regards,
Ciprian Burca
Advanced Installer Team
Posts: 35
Joined: Thu Aug 25, 2005 12:12 am

I have exactly the same problem. I have verified in numerous tests that when launching the application automatically after installation using the "Launch <AppName>" checkbox, the executable starts up in a working directory other than the install dir or the directory from which the installation is run.

I am more than happy to provide our AIP file if you can let me know where it should go.

For now I have disabled the auto-launch, as that is the only way to avoid some very nasty resource not found crashes, but it is less than optimal.
Posts: 35
Joined: Thu Aug 25, 2005 12:12 am

Just saw the email in the previous post. Sending our AIP now.
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Joined: Wed Mar 23, 2005 12:19 pm


A work around that problem could be to set the "user.dir" java property to the APPDIR directory.

You can set a Java System Property from Java>Virtual Machine>JVM Parameters dialog. Use the "New" button and enter the following:
- Property Name: user.dir
- Value: [APPDIR]
(or you can select any other folder you desire as working directory)
Mihai Udrea
Advenced Installer Team
Posts: 35
Joined: Thu Aug 25, 2005 12:12 am

Sadly we're not using the Java installer. We are using JET to compile our java code and their JVM into native windows code, so the installer is the Professional version, not the Java version.

As far as I'm aware, there's no way to set the properties you're mentioning for a Professional installer project.

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