Posts: 65
Joined: Mon Jun 11, 2012 11:40 am

Launch Conditions


I received review on setup created by AI. I received one request which I am not able to do in AI (I think). If some Launch Condition is not met message is shown. But it does not show what are all requirements but just one which currently failed. So if user fix that then run again he will get another one. Another point was that dialog is not "friendly" and do not show recommended configuration. I can work around by creating custom dialog and test all conditions and do not allow continue but it is not ideal because there is pre-install prerequisite which require restart. It is pain to install something, restart computer and then get information "you have not met ...."

Show all requirement (failed ones) on one screen in same design like Information dialog in bootstrapper.

Two types "Launch Conditions" - Required(current) and Recommended where Recommended are just displayed but allow to continue.
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Joined: Tue Jul 10, 2007 6:39 pm
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Re: Launch Conditions


Unfortunately this cannot be done for the Windows Installer launch conditions (the ones checked by the MSI). Windows Installer evaluates conditions one at a time and stops immediately if the current one is not met.

However, we will consider including these improvements in the EXE bootstrapper. It can evaluate launch conditions before managing pre-install prerequisites. Thank you for your suggestions.

Cosmin Pirvu - Advanced Installer Team
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