Posts: 13
Joined: Tue Mar 22, 2011 4:48 am

Simply donwload a file from internet

Hello there

I am learning to use the AI. I want to download the help file of my app, but is about 100 MB. I want the AI installer to download it from the internet when the user installs my software. How can I do this ? Thanks for answer

Posts: 3860
Joined: Thu Aug 05, 2010 8:01 am

Re: Simply donwload a file from internet

Hi Caxama,

Unfortunately there is no predefined support for this functionality in Advanced Installer. Therefore, a solution would be to use a custom action which downloads the file, waits for the download to finish and then saves the file in the desired location. For this you can use an UI Custom Action or a custom action scheduled under "InstallUISequence".
Here is a link with a sample VBScript custom action.

Another approach would be to distribute the help file with your package. This way you can skip the download part.

You may also find this article helpful: ... ation.html

All the best,
Mihai Petcu - Advanced Installer Team
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