How to interrogate the licensing library to get license information?

After you have initialized the licensing library, use the GetPropertyValue licensing library functions.

GetPropertyValue Function

The GetPropertyValue function gets the value for an licensing property


UINT GetPropertyValue(
  __in    LPCWSTR propertyName,      // name of the licensing property to be read
  __out   LPWSTR result,             // buffer where the property value will be written
  __inout DWORD * resultLen          // capacity


  • propertyName - input parameter specifying the name of the property to be read
  • result - output parameter specifying the starting address of the buffer where the value will be written
  • resultLen - input and output parameter with the address of the variable that specifies the size, in wide characters, of the buffer pointed to by the result parameter. When the function returns 0 (ERROR_SUCCESS), this variable contains the size of the data copied to result, not including the terminating null character. If result buffer is not large enough, the function returns 234 (ERROR_MORE_DATA) and stores the required size, including the terminating null character, in the variable pointed to by resultLen

Return Value

  • 0 (ERROR_SUCCESS) - The function succeeded
  • 234 (ERROR_MORE_DATA) - The provided buffer was too small to hold the entire value and the terminating null character
  • 13 (ERROR_INVALID_DATA) - The specified property is not defined. More details about available properties you can find in the Trial and Licensing Properties article.
  • 5 (ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED) - The function call was made before the licensing initialization was performed or the trail has expired. To see how to integrate the licensing library into your application follow our licensing articles.

Sample - C++

typedef UINT (__stdcall * GetPropT)(LPCWSTR, LPWSTR, DWORD *);
GetPropT getPropFct = reinterpret_cast<GetPropT>(::GetProcAddress(hModule, "GetPropertyValue"));

CStringW licID;
DWORD len = licID.GetAllocLength();
if ( ERROR_MORE_DATA == (getPropFct)(L"TrialName", licID.GetBuffer(), len) )
  (getPropFct)(L"TrialName", licID.GetBufferSetLength(len), len)

Sample - C#

[DllImport("Trial.dll", EntryPoint = "GetPropertyValue", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
static extern uint GetPropertyValue(String aPropName, StringBuilder aResult, ref UInt32 aResultLen);
StringBuilder val = new StringBuilder();
UInt32 len2 = (UInt32) val.Capacity;
if ( GetPropertyValue( "TrialName", val, ref len2) == 234 )
  val.EnsureCapacity( (Int32) len2 );
  GetPropertyValue( "TrialName", val, ref len2);

Sample - VB

<DllImport("Trial.dll", EntryPoint:="GetPropertyValue", CharSet:=CharSet.Unicode)> _
Private Shared Function GetPropertyValue(ByVal aPropName As String, ByVal aResult As StringBuilder, ByRef _
  aResultLen As UInt32) As UInteger
End Function
Dim val As StringBuilder = New StringBuilder
Dim len As UInt32 = CType(val.Capacity, UInt32)
If GetPropertyValue("TrialName", val, len) = 234 Then
  val = New StringBuilder(CType(len, Int32))
  GetPropertyValue("TrialName", val, len)
End If

Sample - Java

public class MyMainClass {

  public native static String GetPropertyValue(String aName) throws Exception;
    try {
        String value = GetPropertyValue("TrialName");
    } catch (Exception e) {