Machine Key

This dialog allows you to configure Machine Key settings for a Web Site or a Virtual Directory on the target IIS Server.

Iis machine key



Specify the hash algorithm used to validate data.

Supported algorithms:

  • AES
  • MD5
  • SHA1
  • TripleDes (3DES)
  • HMACSHA256
  • HMACSHA384
  • HMACSHA512


Specify the key that is used to validate data or the process by which it is generated. This can either be:

  • Predefined - manually specify the key (a string of hexadecimal characters)
  • Auto-Generated - a random key will be generated and stored in the Local Security Authority LSA.



Specify the algorithm that is used for encrypting and decrypting data

Supported algorithms:

  • Auto - ASP.NET will automatically determine which encryption algorithm to use
  • AES
  • TripleDES(3DES)
  • DES


Specify the key that is used to encrypt data or the process by which the key is generated. This can either be:

  • Predefined - manually specify the key (a string of hexadecimal characters)
  • Auto-Generated - a random key will be generated and stored in the Local Security Authority LSA.