Edit Components Properties Dialog

Edit Components Properties



A Windows Installer condition which is evaluated and the result determines the component's installation. If the condition is evaluated as false, the component is not installed. Edit this field using Smart Condition Edit Control.

Do not register this component with Windows Installer

If this option is selected the component will have an empty GUID and thus it will not be registered. This means that the component cannot be removed, repaired or patched by the installer. This might be useful if you intend to service/uninstall the component yourself (using a custom action, for instance).


  • Run From Source Only
    The component can only be run from source.
  • Optional
    The component can run locally or from source.
  • Shared DLL Reference Count
    Windows Installer increments the reference count in the shared DLL registry of the component's key file.
  • Permanent
    This component is not removed during an uninstall.
  • Transitive
    Windows Installer reevaluates the statement from the Condition field after a reinstall.
  • Never Overwrite
    The component is not installed or reinstalled if a key path file or a key path registry entry for the component already exists.
  • 64-bit Component
    This component is marked as a 64-bit component. Note that only 64-bit packages can contain 64-bit components.
  • Disable registry reflection
    This option applies only to 64-bit Operating Systems earlier than Windows 7, excepting the Windows XP 64-bit. If this option is not enabled for a component, Windows Installer makes the associated registry changes in both 64 and 32-bit registry views.

If registry reflection is disabled the changes are performed only in the targeted view.