Posts: 8
Joined: Mon Feb 27, 2006 6:56 pm

forkflow for dummies :)

i think, using of AI will be more intuitive if you have some workflow chart of install process. i see it as "macro-view" to workflow of StandartActions. You will be able select some StandartAction of workflow, and change the workflow via activation of some Dialog or inserting of some CustomAction after the StandartAction.

Of cource should be present all kids of workflow:
— "macro-view" to installation flow
— "macro-view" to uninstallation flow
— "macro-view" to repaire flow

its need to redesign the "Custom Actions" window:

Code: Select all

+ Workflow
  + Installation
    + initialization
    + main process
    + finalization
  + Uninstall
    + initialization
    + main process
    + finalization
i.e. just select the "Begin" point, and insert some CustomDialog after the point.

i like see AI more intuitive :)
Posts: 259
Joined: Thu Jul 14, 2005 12:56 pm
Location: Craiova, Romania
Contact: Website


Thank you for your suggestion. We will consider adding this feature on our TO DO list. However it has a low priority as we are currently working on implementing other features.

Advanced Installer comes with a wizard that will help you set up a custom action in notime. Just click the [New Custom Action Wizard] toolbar button and see how easy it is.

Best regards,
Ciprian Burca
Advanced Installer Team

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