IconhoverHover: Launching apps inside a MSIX/App-V container

Hover is a free tool built by the Advanced Installer team that allows you to run natively installed applications inside an MSIX/App-V container.

Very often comes the time when you need to debug your applications. We all use PowerShell, but it is unproductive to repeat long commands, so we built a tool that saves your time.

Hover ui

Hover is included in the “Tools“ section of PacKit. From its GUI you can select the target app container and from the right side pane double click the program you want to launch in the container.

You can also add new programs to that list, we've just included a predefined list for the most used.

NoteAdvanced Installer can be easily used to edit and create MSIX and App-V packages.



Hover is a tool included in the free edition of PacKit. Visit the download page for PacKit to get your free copy.


For any questions, suggestions or bug reports please contact our support team at support at advancedinstaller dot com or on our public forums.