logo MSIX Troubleshooter

Automatic debugging tool for MSIX Installations, included in the free edition of PacKit.

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msix troubleshooter

MSIX Troubleshooter helps software engineers track the possible issues during the MSIX installation process.

Getting Started with MSIX?
Read our comprehensive MSIX Introduction 24-chapter guide.

Repackage your installer to MSIXIssue Diagnosis Report
  • Smart EventLog Filter for highlighting the most relevant installation issues
  • Learn about the most common error codes here
Create MSIX, APPX MSI, App-V, EXE - all from the same projectExtra issues checkings
  • Code signing certificate expiration date
  • Internet access - for .appinstaller files
Dedicated GUIAutomatic logs investigation and analysis
  • Structured information of the OS’s multiple logs generated for all MSIX packages
Packaging OptionsReady-to-use diagnosis information
  • Helps you cut the manual troubleshooting and time-consuming logs tracking, prone to human error
MSIX Troubleshooter

How does MSIX Troubleshooter work?

Unlike MSI logging, an MSIX installation does not have the support to generate a single log file when you install a package. Instead, the OS generates multiple EventLogs for each MSIX package that gets installed on the machine. You can manually browse these logs if you open Event Viewer and go to:

  • AppxPackagingOM › Microsoft-Windows-AppxPackaging/Operational
  • AppXDeployment-Server › Microsoft-Windows-AppXDeploymentServer/Operational

The OS always generates these logs - you can’t enable or disable logging for a dedicated MSIX package. This makes troubleshooting inconvenient and time-consuming because of the log-noise generated by other packages from the machine.

MSIX Troubleshooter is included in the free edition of PacKit.

MSIX Troubleshooter V1

In the first version of the MSIX Troubleshooter, we are filtering the EventLogs while trying to display the most relevant information. For more details on the return codes listed in the logs please check the Microsoft docs.

The MSIX Troubleshooter also performs additional custom checks based on the information from the package, as mentioned above.

MSIX Troubleshooter V2

The second version of MSIX Troubleshooter comes with support for command-line.

Now you can identify potential issues in MSIX packages directly from your console, without opening the GUI.

Integrate the CLI support of the MSIX Troubleshooter in your automated tests and get notified immediately about potential issues of your setup.

The MSIX Troubleshooter command-line enables you to:

  • Launch the application with no GUI
  • Launch the application, which initializes the GUI with the selected package, and performs an analysis of the package.
  • Perform analysis on bundle packages and files contained within a package, and save the results in an XML file.

Check the MSIX Troubleshooter User Guide to see all command lines that the tool supports.

Help us improve the future versions of the MSIX Troubleshooter, send us your feedback at:

support at advanced installer dot com