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Joined: Tue Aug 31, 2021 2:02 pm

Pass arguments from updater to the main app

Hey, I'm struggling with the following problem and I would greatly appreciate any help!

1) We have a main application packed into the installer. It's a regular program installed into Program Files, nothing unusual.
2) I have added the updater app to the package so now there's an icon on the desktop with the following parameter "C:\Program Files\CompanyName\AppName\appname-updater.exe" /silent -restartapp appname.exe -startappfirst
3) The updater works correctly, no issues there

However, some of our users were used to drag'n'drop files onto the desktop shortcut, which launched the program and immediately opened the file they drag'n'dropped. This does not work with the updater file.

The question is obvious: is it possible to set up the shortcut to the updater file in a way that it will pass the open file argument / dragndrop action onto the main app? Right now it just opens the main app but the file is not opened within the app.

Thanks in advance!
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Joined: Wed Jun 13, 2018 7:49 am

Re: Pass arguments from updater to the main app

Hello and welcome to our forums,

I am not quite sure I understand your scenario here.

Do you want, when the user drags and drop a file over the updater's shortcut, that file to be opened in your application?

If that is the case, I'm afraid it might not be possible.

The only arguments our updater.exe tool accepts are presented in the "Updater Options" article.

Please let me know if there is anything else we could help you with and we will gladly assist.

Best regards,
Catalin Gheorghe - Advanced Installer Team
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