Posts: 47
Joined: Fri Mar 30, 2018 1:17 pm

18.9.1 MSIX build and version string issue

Using AI 18.9.1 and updating a package. The UI detects the new version from the primary app, but the internal AppXManifest file did not get the updated version. In this case, only the 4th field of the version had changed in the app (causing an unnecessary popup in the detection logic that is only related to MSI builds), however I routinely run test builds with only the 4th field changing and have not had this happen in the past.

I upgraded to 19.0 and the behavior remained.

Looking into the aip file, I see that while the PRODUCTVERSION field was updated, there is a property later on IDENTITY that was not updated.

The <COMPONENT cid="caphyon.advinst.msicomp.MsiPropsComponent"> has a sub-element:
<ROW Property="ProductVersion" Value="" Type="32" TargetFile="XXX.exe"/>
and later the <COMPONENT cid="caphyon.advinst.msicomp.FragmentComponent"> has a sub-element:
<ROW XmlAttribute="Version" XmlElement="Identity" Name="Version" Flags="0" Order="0" Value=""/>

Manually editing the aip file field for that Identity attribute solved the problem for now, but AI needs a fix for this.
Posts: 47
Joined: Fri Mar 30, 2018 1:17 pm

Re: 18.9.1 MSIX build and version string issue

Subsequent update builds seem to be OK now, so possibly solved in 19.0 once I aligned the aip file once.
Posts: 6700
Joined: Wed Jun 13, 2018 7:49 am

Re: 18.9.1 MSIX build and version string issue

Hello Tim,

Thank you for your followup on this and for sharing your solution with us!

I am sure this will be of help for further users facing a similar scenario.

In order for me to further investigate this, please forward me a step-by-step test case which I can use in order to reproduce this on our end (if there is something to be investigated here as I am not 100% sure about that after your second thread).

Best regards,
Catalin Gheorghe - Advanced Installer Team
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