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Joined: Wed Apr 01, 2015 12:45 am

Pausing the update then continuing


I have seen a few posts about the need to pause an application while checking for an update then conditionally running the application after. I made a solution that works for me, hopefully it might workout for you too

1. I separated my application into a Launcher & application. The Launcher does the update check and application process start. I included some args to prevent my exe application from being started without the launcher.

2. to circumvent the need to close my application in the event if an install that would prompt for the application process to close, i first relocated my project file to a child folder than added a custom Action to move it to the root folder. The reason i did this is because the file location is then not part of the install register. The Custom Action is a 'Launch Attached File' and i created a .vbs to move the file. Here is the vbs code-

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Option Explicit
Dim fso 
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

On Error Resume Next
fso.MoveFile "C:\ProgramData\MyAppLocation\Files\Launcher.exe", "C:\ProgramData\MyAppLocation\"
You could also add code to check if the process is running but in my case i didnt need that.

3. create the Launcher. This contains the process of checking for an update, installing it if it exists then running the application after the install.


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Private UpdateChecker As Timer
Private FilePath As String = String.Empty
Private NameOfUpdater As String = String.Empty
Private PathOfUpdater As String = String.Empty	

'add any args like a matching code to check in your application MyApplication_Startup sub
'args are optional, can be 0, 1 or more and should have a space in between each arg
Private Arg1 As String = "123456" ' can be anything
Private Arg2 As String = "SomeOtherValidationCode"
Private Args As String = String.Join(CType(Arg1, String), " ", CType(Arg2, String))

Sub Launch()

'check to see if there are any updates pending
 Dim p1 As Process = Process.Start(PathOfUpdater, "/justcheck")

'Get the exit code for an update. 0 = update exists, <> = no update
 Dim ret As Decimal = p1.ExitCode

'set a condition for if an update is found
Select Case ret
	Case 0
		'get the update and run it
		Dim p2 As Process = Process.Start(PathOfUpdater, "/checknow -minuseractions")
		'because the updater is a separate process, your application wants to resume here
		'so we put a timer to check the updater process and only proceed if it cant be found
		UpdateChecker = New Timer
        	AddHandler UpdateChecker.Tick, AddressOf TimerEvent
        	UpdateChecker.Interval = CInt(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1).TotalMilliseconds)
	Case Else
                'Run your application here as no updates were found
        End Select
End Sub

'This function runs a timer against the Updater process
'As long as the process <> 0, its running so wait
Private Shared Function TimerEvent(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) As Boolean
        Dim retval As Boolean = False
        Dim p() As Process = System.Diagnostics.Process.GetProcessesByName(NameOfUpdater)
        If p.Length = 0 Then
        	'run your application here now that the updater process has completed
        End If
        Return retval
End Function

'This sub calls your application
Private Sub RunYourApplication()
 Dim KLA As New Process()
        KLA.StartInfo.FileName = FilePath 'path of executable file from above
        KLA.StartInfo.Arguments = Args
End Sub

In the executable that is being updated, if you are passing args to validate or any other reason, here is what i do (in the ApplicationEvents class-

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Private Sub MyApplication_Startup(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As StartupEventArgs) Handles Me.Startup

'get the incoming args from the process.start in Launcher
Dim args As String() = System.Environment.GetCommandLineArgs

'separate the args string into separate args
'args(0) is always the path of the file so remains unused)
Dim GetArg1 As String = CType(args(1), String)
Dim GetArg2 As String = CType(args(2), String)

'Set some sort of validation that matches arg. example
Dim CheckArg1 As String = "123456"

If Not String.Compare(GetArg1, CheckArg1, False) = 0 Then
	e.Cancel = True
End If

'if you get to here, your validation worked and your executable will open

End Sub
Whats happening in summary
* you call you application launcher
* launcher checks for any updates
* if an update is found, launch the update and hold the the application until update is complete then launch the application
* if no update is found, launch the application
*optionally condition the process to make sure the application is run by the launcher only and not independently

Hope it helps, please feel free to update this or improve this code :)


make sure that you properly declare your types when sending your args to the executable. The arg string being sent MUST all be string and they should be converted in the executable to the relative type. For example:

Setting up your args to send

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Dim arg1 As Integer = 123456
Dim arg2 As Boolean = False
Dim arg3 As String = "Some text to send"

'here i am converting all arg types to string and wrapping the conversions in a string convert to ensure i get a valid string
Dim ArgString As String = CType(String.Join(CType(arg1, String), " ", CType(arg2, String), " ", CType(arg3, String), String)

Dim KLA As New Process()
KLA.StartInfo.FileName = FilePath 'path of executable file from above
KLA.StartInfo.Arguments = ArgString
Receiving your args in your executable

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'here i am converting the incoming args back to the original type
Dim GetArg1 As Integer = CType(args(1), Integer)
Dim GetArg2 As Boolean = CType(args(2), Boolean)
Dim GetArg3 As String = CType(args(2), String)
Last edited by NigelShaw on Tue Aug 30, 2022 3:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 6646
Joined: Wed Jun 13, 2018 7:49 am

Re: Pausing the update then continuing

Hello Nigel,

Thank you for your followup on this scenario and for sharing your solution with us.

I am sure this will be of help for further users facing a similar scenario.

Best regards,
Catalin Gheorghe - Advanced Installer Team
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