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Building MSI from Python application that runs on Powershell

Think of it as a specialized text editor, written in Python, that runs on Windows Terminal/Powershell.

Can Advanced Installer handle this?

The application was developed under PyCharm with Python 3.9. As it stands today, to run it, you have to manually open Powershell and invoke a batch file that launches the app after activating the virtual environment with all dependencies.

The objective is to convert this to an MSI for customers to be able to double-click and install. After that, ideally, an icon on the desktop they can double-click and launch the application. This means the double-click would cause Powershell to run and then and run the Python application.

Any guidance on this would be appreciated. I am currently watching the MSI Packaging Training video playlist on YouTube to further understand this tool.

Thank you,

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Joined: Wed Jun 13, 2018 7:49 am

Re: Building MSI from Python application that runs on Powershell

Hello Martin and welcome to our forums,

Yes, that should be possible to achieve.

First of all, we would need to put all the required files into the Advanced Installer project.

After doing so, we could create a Shortcut to the batch file, as explained in the following article:

Creating Shortcuts in the Files and Folders Page

Besides this, if the application requires some 3rd party software to be installed, you can add that in our "Prerequisites" page.

If there is anything else I could help you with (like a specific task you'd like to achieve with Advanced Installer), please let me know and I will gladly do so.

Best regards,
Catalin Gheorghe - Advanced Installer Team
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