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Updater process stays running after upgrade

I'm trying to use the updater to check and upgrade my application. That works fine. The problem is that the updater process never stops running. As a result, when it's time to check for updates again using a scheduled task, it fails as the updater process is already running, leaving me with a 0xE0000027 error code. If I stop the process manually in Windows Task Manager, the updater starts normally.

Any thoughts or advice on what to check?

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Re: Updater process stays running after upgrade

Hello and welcome to our forums,

From what I can see, my colleague Dan has answered you over the e-mail.

Please let me know if there is anything else I could help you with.

Best regards,
Catalin Gheorghe - Advanced Installer Team
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Re: Updater process stays running after upgrade

Can you tell us what was the resolution?
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Re: Updater process stays running after upgrade

Can you tell us what was the resolution?
Hello David and welcome to our forums,

Unfortunately, we were not able to reproduce the behavior.

In order for us to further investigate this, can you please send us the following resources:
  1. the old .AIP file
  2. the new .AIP file
  3. the Updates Configuration Project
  4. a download link for your old setup package
  5. a download link for your new setup package
by email to support at advancedinstaller dot com

Or, even better, could you please create a sample project (v1, v2 and update project) that reproduces this and forward it to me together with a test case which I can follow in order to reproduce the problem?

Also, how does the check for updates process is triggered? Do you run a scheduled task? Do you check for updates from your application?

Does the behavior persists on multiple machines or just on some of them?

Best regards,
Liviu Sandu - Advanced Installer Team
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Re: Updater process stays running after upgrade

Hello guys,

After further investigations we've been able to replicate that behavior (updater process still running after the upgrade process and returning 0xE0000027 error code).

The behavior occurs when the MSI has the same name between multiple versions (e.g. [ProductName]) and when the same download location is used for the MSI from the server. Also, you need to have the updater configured to install updates without elevation. For example, the default download location is: [CommonAppDataFolder][Manufacturer][ProductName]\updates\
It seems that the Updater.exe does not have enough privileges to overwrite already existing file.

Usually the update has the same name when the Update Configuration Project has a single update defined and you always change this update, instead of defining a new one. When there are multiple updates defined, updater will always install the latest one (when updates are installed silently).

Also the update may have the same name if you always recreate the Update Configuration Project from scratch during the build operation process.

As a solution for that, just enable the "Delete update package file after installation" option in the "Updates Configuration Project":
Updates.png (38.28 KiB) Viewed 3394 times

Or, define a different update for each version in the "Updates Configuration project":
Updates_different.png (36.5 KiB) Viewed 3394 times

Hope this helps! If you have any other questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Best regards,
Liviu Sandu - Advanced Installer Team
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