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Updater continues to run when run as a scheduled task when a failure is encountered

If an updater is run manually from the command prompt like so:
c:\Whatever\WhateverUpdater.exe /silentall -nofreqcheck
and encounters an error the upgrade program will rollback and cease to run, and then updater process stops running as well.

Running a windows scheduled task to do the same command when an error is encountered during the installation the upgrader will rollback and cease to run correctly, but the WhateverUpdater.exe process continues to run.
The any subsequent time the scheduled task runs it reports "Could not start" result code -536870873 / 0xE0000027

How should we address this?
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Re: Updater continues to run when run as a scheduled task when a failure is encountered


We've been able to replicate that behavior (updater process still running after the upgrade process and returning 0xE0000027 error code).

Can you please try the solution I posted on the Updater process stays running after upgrade forum thread.

Please let me know if that helped you.

Best regards,
Liviu Sandu - Advanced Installer Team
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Re: Updater continues to run when run as a scheduled task when a failure is encountered

I'm sorry. I'm having trouble understanding what you are suggesting we try.

As best I can tell, the link provided has a customer who is running a scheduled task not as an administrator, and the updater called by that scheduled task is incapable of overwriting an older upgrader .exe file. The link instructs the customer not to have those conditions.

We already do not have those conditions. Our scheduled task is being run as an administrator, and it is the first time an upgrade has been pushed for this product. There is no former upgrader to worry about the success or failure overwriting.

I've updated our .aiu file with a new entry. Sites that already have the updater process running do not appear to be downloading the new aiu file or the new upgrader program specified within. Running the scheduled task again still gets an error of 0xE0000027.

I may not understand what you are asking us to do, but if you are able to replicate the behaviour can you test what you are suggesting and let us know if it resolves the error?
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Re: Updater continues to run when run as a scheduled task when a failure is encountered


Can you please enable the "Delete update package file after installation" option in the "Updates Configuration Project":
Updates.png (38.28 KiB) Viewed 5533 times

Please let me know if that resolves your issue.

Best regards,
Liviu Sandu - Advanced Installer Team
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Re: Updater continues to run when run as a scheduled task when a failure is encountered

I have enabled that flag and ran a test. The updater process continues to run without ending, the issue is not resolved.
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Re: Updater continues to run when run as a scheduled task when a failure is encountered


Unfortunately, it looks like your issue is different than the one mentioned above and I'm not able to reproduce it.

In order for us to further investigate this, can you please send us the following resources:
  1. the old .AIP file
  2. the new .AIP file
  3. the Updates Configuration Project
by email to support at advancedinstaller dot com

And also could you please give me some more details about how to reproduce this issue, a test case which I can follow in order to reproduce the problem?

Best regards,
Liviu Sandu - Advanced Installer Team
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Re: Updater continues to run when run as a scheduled task when a failure is encountered

I have sent an email with a link to download the necessary files to reproduce this issue, and included in the files are the steps to reproduce this issue. I had to jump through several hoops to send the email. Can you confirm that you've received it and were able to download the necessary files?

Let me know if you have any further questions.

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Re: Updater continues to run when run as a scheduled task when a failure is encountered


Yes, I have received the email and I've downloaded the resources.

This is currently under our investigation and I will follow-up on email as soon as I will have an conclusion.

Best regards,
Liviu Sandu - Advanced Installer Team
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Re: Updater continues to run when run as a scheduled task when a failure is encountered

For anybody else who encounters the same issue, this was the result of our email correspondence:

The behavior you encounter here is the correct one.

Basically, the /silentall command has a UI. The Updater will search silently for updates and automatically install all updates. However, using this method, when an error occurs it is reported using GUI.

To completely suppress the GUI you need to add the -nogui command line also.

On the logged user the GUI appears and you can close the window, but on another user account the GUI is blocked for that user by the default account. With the GUI blocked you cannot close the error window and the updater.exe remains open.

In your case, the "NopUser" user has the GUI blocked by the default user thus the error window does not appear and you cannot close the updater GUI. That is happening because of the first version.

To overcome that behavior, in the first version of your project (v1.0) you need to add the "-nogui" command:
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Re: Updater continues to run when run as a scheduled task when a failure is encountered


Yes, that happens when using the Scheduled Task for an Installed User with the /silentall command.

/silent and /silentall run modes run unattended but with GUI. In case of an error occurs, it is reported using GUI. If this is runnel by a user that is not the logged user the updater will wait for user to view the error and close the wizard. Basically updater will hang.
To overcome this add to command line "-nogui" to suppress GUI.

Best regards,
Liviu Sandu - Advanced Installer Team
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