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Update Options

I am currently evaluating Advanced Installer for a desktop application that we are building. The application needs to be kept up to date as we release updates to it, and we'd like to have it install updates silently in the background. I am currently trying to build the installer using a 'Professional' Installer Project.

When I go to the 'Updater' section, I am confused between Updater Execution and Update Behavior. If I select "Automatic: using a Windows scheduled task" in the Updater Execution section, I am prompted to upgrade my project type. But the Update Behavior section allows me to make changes without an Enterprise project. Am I able to, with a Professional project, have the application check once a day using the settings shown in the screenshot?

If I have that configured correctly, why is "Check and prompt me to download and install updates" selected when I check the installed update options?
advancedinstallerupdateoptions.png (67.7 KiB) Viewed 3263 times
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Joined: Wed Jun 13, 2018 7:49 am

Re: Update Options

Hello and welcome to our forums,

First of all, thank you for giving Advanced Installer a try.

Now, please allow me to explain how what you want to achieve is done.

So basically you want the update to be happening silently. This means two things:

- first of all, the updater (which updates your application) must run at all times. This is possible thorugh two approaches: either a scheduled task that runs the updater (Scheduled Task support is indeed available in Enterprise or above) or through a Windows Service (as services also run without interruption on machines)

- in order to instlal silently, you also require administrator rights. This is easily achieved by the above two as both services and scheduled tasks usually run under an account which has rights

Now, for what you want to achieve, here's an article: How to handle updates without elevation

Hope this helps!

Best regards,
Catalin Gheorghe - Advanced Installer Team
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Posts: 9
Joined: Mon Apr 22, 2024 6:44 pm

Re: Update Options

Thanks for your reply. Have another similar question:

Are you also saying that as long as the installer was run as an administrator, the updater service will execute as an administrator and won't require the UAC popup? That is another issue I'm dealing with at the moment.
Posts: 6796
Joined: Wed Jun 13, 2018 7:49 am

Re: Update Options


In order to install a Windows Service, you indeed require administrator privileges.

After doing that, the service (which is in fact the updater.exe) will run elevated.

Best regards,
Catalin Gheorghe - Advanced Installer Team
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