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Deploying sharepoint WSP

Hello support,

I faced with the following problem. When I try to deploy sharepoint WSP solution - it is deployed only if it does not have spaces in it's name. If my WSP is named "my_test" it is deployed OK, but if it has name "my test" - stsadm.exe shows an error. Is there any solution to deal with it?

And one more problem with the same solution. I've already asked about it, but did not get solution. I can not see any log after installtion of sharepoint solution. However, it is correctly appears in %TEMP% folder - installer shows a blank screen without this log. I did not change any options that was changed by AI when I added WSP.

Thanks in advance.
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Joined: Wed Apr 24, 2013 3:51 pm

Re: Deploying sharepoint WSP


I faced with the following problem. When I try to deploy sharepoint WSP solution - it is deployed only if it does not have spaces in it's name. If my WSP is named "my_test" it is deployed OK, but if it has name "my test" - stsadm.exe shows an error. Is there any solution to deal with it?
I've tested your scenario and this seems to be an Advanced Installer issue. A fix will be available in a future version of Advanced Installer, thank you for bringing it to our attention. Also, until then if you need this fix you can send us an email to support at advancedinstaller dot com and we can send you a RC containing this fix.

And one more problem with the same solution. I've already asked about it, but did not get solution. I can not see any log after installtion of sharepoint solution. However, it is correctly appears in %TEMP% folder - installer shows a blank screen without this log. I did not change any options that was changed by AI when I added WSP.
Can you please make sure that you have checked the “Show deployment log after install” option from the “Share Point General Options” pane.

Let us know if this helps.

Best regards,
Dan Ghiorghita - Advanced Installer Team
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Re: Deploying sharepoint WSP

Thank for a quick reply. Yes, it is checked.
Posts: 4513
Joined: Wed Apr 24, 2013 3:51 pm

Re: Deploying sharepoint WSP


I'm not sure why you encountered this behavior. Can you please tell us the Operating System you have on your machine and also what version of Sharepoint are you using, so we can try to reproduce and investigate the problem?

Best regards,
Dan Ghiorghita - Advanced Installer Team
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Re: Deploying sharepoint WSP

I am using windows server 2008 r2 x64 + sharepoint 2010.

Thank you.
Posts: 4513
Joined: Wed Apr 24, 2013 3:51 pm

Re: Deploying sharepoint WSP


I've tested your scenario, but I cannot reproduce the behavior.
Can you please use the “Run and log” option and send us the log from Advance Installer to support at advancedinstaller dot com so we can investigate it?

Best regards,
Dan Ghiorghita - Advanced Installer Team
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Posts: 11
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Re: Deploying sharepoint WSP

Hello Dan,

I sent a log,

Thank you for support.

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