Posts: 32
Joined: Thu Jul 26, 2012 6:55 pm

Multi-instance Name dynamic


I'm working with advanced installer 14.4.2, for a setup of a web site with multiple instances, generated dynamically.

I would like the setup to adapt the product name / instance name based on the user selection during the installation (ex: select a server and database name to connect to), which is hard to do from the instance selection screen. Is there methods to get the right product name / control panel Uninstall strings to show something else than "MyProduct #1" / "MyProduct #2"?

Using the "overwrite control panel entry" only seems to work on the first instance, the other instances revert to the default string format in 14.4.2.

Posts: 4935
Joined: Wed Nov 14, 2012 2:04 pm

Re: Multi-instance Name dynamic


Please keep in mind that in order to set a custom name for an instance, you can only use the "Choose custom name for the instance" option from the "Multiple Instances" dialog. Setting a name based on a later user selection is not possible.

Best regards,
Eusebiu Aria - Advanced Installer Team
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