
Advanced Installer Tutorial

I too am new to this application, I have checked in the help files, but I do not see any tutorials on how to use this application. I see a guide with 7 steps, but this does not walk you through creating an MSI package. Where can I find instructions on how to create an MSI package, WISE has a flash tutorial to walk you through the steps of creating a MSI package. Does Advanced Installer have one or am I on my own.
Posts: 27
Joined: Fri Apr 04, 2003 2:06 pm
Contact: Website

Hi there,

There are two tutorials in the Advanced Installer help. One for creating a small MSI package and one for creating a Java MSI Package.

We are also working on a more advanced tutorial, which will be available with the release of the next version.

Please read them carefully, and let us know if you have any questions that are left unanswered.

Best regards,

Philip Petrescu - Advanced Installer Team
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