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Joined: Wed Feb 25, 2015 8:10 am

Give a mechanism to catch fail event if Updater.exe failed for some reason


It would be good if we get a way to catch the fail event if the Updater.exe of Advanced Installer fails for some reason. Right now, it will just show a Systray notification saying Advanced Updater failed. In my use case, its a PerMachine upgrade and happens in silent mode, so if the user doesn't have Admin privileges Updater.exe fails and shows a Systray notification and sits in Systray without exiting. I am looking for a way to catch this so that I can notify my end user regarding the failure. I am trying to use Message Hooks for this but its a tedious task.

Thanks in advance.
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Re: Give a mechanism to catch fail event if Updater.exe failed for some reason

Hi Prasad,

Please note that you can check the updater specific error codes. For details, please check the Auto Updater article. Of course you will have to Programatically integrate Updater to be able to check the return code.

If there is anything else I can help you with, please let me know.

Best regards,
Dan Ghiorghita - Advanced Installer Team
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Posts: 58
Joined: Wed Feb 25, 2015 8:10 am

Re: Give a mechanism to catch fail event if Updater.exe failed for some reason

Hi Dan,

Many thanks for the reply. The links that you mentioned are helpful.

However, using exit code is not an option for me as the Updater.exe is not exiting and will continue running residing in the System tray. This is because, when it hits an error (say network disconnection in the middle of downloading binary), it will be stuck with a modal window with the error description and a "Finish" button. As I am running Updater.exe in silent mode, this modal window is not visible until I go and click in the System tray. So as long as I click this "Finish" button, Updater.exe process will not get exited.

Further, I am not sure if the switch -nogui helps in this case, I have not tried as well. I will check this in the meantime and update the thread if there is a fruitful result.


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