Olaf S
Posts: 23
Joined: Wed Oct 16, 2013 7:11 pm

folder sync - "new" file detection seems to be off?


maybe I just don't understand which criteria Advanced Installer uses to determine if a file in a synced folder is new:

I have a folder that contains DLLs. The Version of 3 DLLs hasn't changed, just the file date and the file size have. Unfortunately the file sync does not recognize these DLLs as changed in the package. Is that normal? What's the best way to circumvent this?

Currently I just delete the cache and do a new build with changed keys, but i am afraid I might forget this.

best regards
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Joined: Wed Jun 13, 2018 7:49 am

Re: folder sync - "new" file detection seems to be off?

Hello Olaf,

If you'd like your setup that contains the new version of your DLL to automatically remove the older version from your clients machines, then increasing the version and changing the ProductCode is mandatory, otherwise you will not be able to install it at all - Windows will give the following error:
Another version of this product is already installed. Installation of this version cannot continue. To configure or remove the existing version of this product, use Programs and Features in the Control Panel.
Regarding the DLL problem, I was not quite able to reproduce this.

If possible, could you please share with me via email at support at advancedinstaller dot com two such DLLs that I can use to reproduce this on my end?

Best regards,
Catalin Gheorghe - Advanced Installer Team
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