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Joined: Fri Oct 06, 2023 4:24 pm

Temporary Folder Path

I am working on an installer that needs to install several python packages at the end of the install process. In order to do this, I am using a custom action. I have downloaded the appropriate package wheelhouse files, (the installer needs to be able to run offline) and have placed them in a specific folder that I would like to be created and deployed on the target machine. Then, my custom action changes the active directory to the created folder, and runs the appropriate pip command to install the packages. The issue I am having is that this folder doesn't appear to be created by the installer - I am getting an error from my script that the folder doesn't exist.

I have added the appropriate folder and contained files to the files and folders page, under the windows volume/Temporary folder (this is where the project added the folder, I used the 'add Temporary Folder' wizard.) Under the properties for this folder, I have set the Create Folders on target machine to be true.

The command that is failing is "cd TempFolder\pythonpackages" where python packages is the name of my folder that should be placed in the temporary directory. The directory the installer is looking for is "C:\WINDOWS\SysWOW64\TempFolder\pythonpackages" (verified through parsing the build logs.)

Is there something I'm missing here? Am I incorrectly using the 'TempFolder' property? I thought by using this property the installer would replace that value with the actual runtime value of the folder that was created?

Thanks for any help!
Posts: 6623
Joined: Wed Jun 13, 2018 7:49 am

Re: Temporary Folder Path

Hello Paul and welcome to our forums,

I'm afraid I can't really say why this is happening.

In order for me to further investigate this, could you please forward me the following resources:

- a copy of your .AIP file

- a download link for the setup built with the above project

by email at support at advancedinstaller dot com?

Best regards,
Catalin Gheorghe - Advanced Installer Team
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