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Joined: Mon Apr 24, 2023 9:24 pm

Creating installer on AWS Codebuild

We have AWS code build pipeline to build .net projects. It uses aws/codebuild/windows-base:2019-2.0 build image to compile source code.
We want to use the same image to build the installer. I have a couple of questions:
1. What type of license do we need?
2. Do we need a custom image with a pre-loaded AI setup with license information or is there a way to do it dynamically on the default image?

Any blog/links describing the process will be helpful.

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Joined: Wed Jun 13, 2018 7:49 am

Re: Creating installer on AWS Codebuild

Hello and welcome to our forums,

Unfortunately, I'm afraid I am not really familiar with AWS code build.

Regarding the Windows image, I'm assuming that is a Docker container (please correct me if I'm wrong)?

If so, then we might need to have a container with the license information predefined.

Normally, how this would work in other CI/CD systems such as Azure DevOps is like this:

- we feed the license key into the pipeline

- Advanced Installer is further downloaded and registered with that license

- the build script is executed

However, in case of a Docker container, I'm afraid I am not familiar with how it works - or if we can do the same as in Azure DevOps - so we might need to have it already registered.

Regarding the license, this mostly depends on your needs (i.e. what are your requirements with Advanced Installer).

Do you not own an Advanced Installer license currently? If so, then please note that in the case of an automatic build machine, we will need an additional seat, as per our EULA:

Licensing Advanced Installer

under "How many licenses" section.

If you have any other questions, please let me know and I will gladly assist.

Best regards,
Catalin Gheorghe - Advanced Installer Team
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