Posts: 5
Joined: Fri Dec 21, 2012 10:26 am

Displaying IP Address

Hi I am creating a new installation package and have a few queries

1 ) I would like to show the host IP Address/ IP Addresses in a combo list so the user can select which IP address they would like to use . I can use the TCP Port examples but cant display the IP Address ?
2 ) When I display SQL searches I get to much information , I would just like servername\instance ?
3 ) When I display IIS instances again I get too much info and needs to be just web Site and Port ?

Thanks for your help

Posts: 4935
Joined: Wed Nov 14, 2012 2:04 pm

Re: Displaying IP Address

Hi and welcome to Advanced Installer forum.

Thank you for your interest in Advanced Installer.

Unfortunately Advanced Installer can not search for the host IP Addresses. In order to do that you can create your own custom action that has this functionality. After you store all the IP Addresses in properties you can populate the combobox like is described in the Populate ComboBox and ListBox controls article.

For SQL searches and IIS instances you can also create a custom actions that extract only the information you need from the properties specified in the How to browse for SQL Servers on the network and How to browse for Web Sites, Virtual Directories and Web Applications on IIS Server tutorials and put this too in combo boxes.

Best regards,
Eusebiu Aria - Advanced Installer Team
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