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Joined: Thu Jan 17, 2013 2:36 pm

Copy dialog changes?

If you create a project and it uses one of the standard themes like 'classic' and you modify the dialogues, is there a way to copy those changes to another dialog that also uses the standard theme?
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Joined: Mon Apr 02, 2012 1:11 pm
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Re: Copy dialog changes?

Hello and welcome to Advanced Installer forums,

Thank you for your interest in Advanced Installer.

If you want to save your custom dialogs you can add them to Repository. The "Move To Repository" context menu option export a dialog in the Repository directory, so you have the possibility to use the related dialog in another project. Also, please keep in mind that the predefined dialogs cannot be exported even if they are modified.

Also, if you have added a control or a control event on a specific dialog and you want to copy it on another dialog, then you can use the context menu "Copy" and "Paste" options.

Let us know if this helps, otherwise please give us more details about your scenario (maybe exemplify).

All the best,
Daniel Radu - Advanced Installer Team
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