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Add support for adding SQL Script File to command line interface

We have a need where we want to modify the list of SQL scripts that are run as part of the installer. The names of the sql scripts change frequently as they contain versioning information in the title. So we need a way of attaching SQL Script Files to a known database server connection.
AI-SQL-Scripts.png (47.83 KiB) Viewed 25152 times
So a command like the following to allow for automation:

Code: Select all

advinst.exe /edit "myapp.aip" /AddSQLScriptFile "1.2.3-droptables.sql" -dbserver "SiteConnection"
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Re: Add support for adding SQL Script File to command line interface


This is already on our TODO list of improvements. I have increased its priority and hopefully it will be implemented in a future version of Advanced Installer.

As soon as this improvement will be available we will notify you on this forum thread.

Until then, I am afraid the only way is to add the SQL script through our GUI.

I apologize for the inconvenience.

Best regards,
Liviu Sandu - Advanced Installer Team
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Re: Add support for adding SQL Script File to command line interface


This improvement has been added in version 21.1 of Advanced Installer.

Best regards,
Catalin Gheorghe - Advanced Installer Team
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