ICE Validations and Automatic Fixes for MSIs
The installation is the first experience your users have, before using your application. ICEs help make sure your installer is compliant with the Windows standards for application packaging and deployment.
Internal Consistency Evaluators
The internal consistency evaluators, also called ICEs, are custom actions written in VBScript, JScript, or as a DLL or EXE. When these custom actions are executed, they scan your installer for entries that may cause incorrect behavior in the context of the whole installation.
Advanced Installer has built-in support to automatically run the ICEs after your build is complete.
Automated Fixes for ICEs
Time is of the essence, therefore we have built into Advanced Installer a unique system that can automatically fix a portion of the errors/warnings raised by the ICEs.
With just a click, an automatic fix can make your package compliant with multiple ICEs, and save your team hours, if not days.