App-V Editor Install Parameters Page

Installation Folders

  • Application Folder - in this field you can specify the default path for the installation folder. This path is represented by the "Application Folder" directory in the Files and Folders Page - Installer Project. During the installation, the user can modify this path by either using the [ Browse ] button in the "FolderDlg" (Select Installation Folder) dialog or by manually editing the Path Edit control on the same dialog. The default value of this field points to a sub-folder of the "Program Files" folder.
  • Application Shortcut Folder - in this field you can specify the default path of the folder which will contain the application's shortcuts. This path is represented by the "Application Shortcut Folder" directory in the "Files and Folders" page. The default value of this field points to the Windows taskbar's "Start" -> "Programs" menu.

These values are directly editable, with a suggested set of defaults available in the drop-down lists. Click the [ Edit... ] button to change them through the Edit Formatted Type Dialog.


You can add new custom Properties to your App-V package. This section is mainly used to give default values to the properties in your package.

Creating a new property

Use the [ New ] toolbar button, the “New” list context menu item or press the Insert key while the focus is on the list control.

Modifying a property's name or value

Use the “Edit” list context menu item or press the Space key while the focus is on the name or value column in the list control.

NoteThe properties values are PseudoFormatted Type. The property can be localized from its value field's context menu as described in How to localize the value of a property based on the OS language? article.

Removing a property

Use the [ Delete ] toolbar button, the “Delete” list context menu item or press the Delete key while the focus is on the list control.
