Table of Contents
- Introduction
- Registration
- Using Advanced Installer
- Working with Projects
- Installer Project
- Product Information
- Resources
- Package Definition
- Requirements
- User Interface
- System Changes
- Server
- Internet Information Services
- IIS Server
- Global Settings
- Website Settings
- Physical Path Credentials Dialog
- Web Site Bindings/SSL Settings
- Virtual Directory Settings
- ASP.NET Settings
- Access Flags
- Authentication
- Default Document
- Website Performance
- FTP Access
- FastCGI Settings
- ISAPI Filters
- MIME Types
- Application Mapping
- HTTP Response Headers
- Machine Key
- HTTP Error Handling
- .NET Error Handling
- Custom Properties
- Application Pools
- Web Deploy Packages
- Legacy Options
- IIS Browse
- IIS Server
- SQL Databases
- SharePoint Page
- Silverlight Page
- Internet Information Services
- Custom Behavior
- Patch Project
- Merge Module Project
- Updates Configuration Project
- Windows Store App Project
- Package Definition
- Application Definition
- Application Details
- Visual Assets
- Capabilities
- Declarations
- App Service Properties
- App Extension Properties
- Auto Play Content Properties
- Auto Play Device Properties
- Background Task Properties
- File Explorer Context Menus
- File Explorer Classic Context Menu Handler
- Dial Protocol Properties
- File Type Association Properties
- Protocol Properties
- Service Properties - Windows Store App Project
- Startup Task Properties
- Firewall Rules Properties
- Host Runtime Properties
- Shared Fonts Properties
- Appointments Provider Properties
- Certificate Properties
- Contact Properties
- Desktop App Migration Properties
- File Open Picker Properties
- Full Trust Process Properties
- Media Playback Properties
- Lock Screen Component Properties
- Publisher Cache Folders Properties
- Share Target Properties
- Web Account Provider Properties
- User Data Account Provider Properties
- NT Service Properties
- App Extension Host Properties
- Enterprise Data Protection Properties
- Mutable Package Directories Properties
- Loader Search Path Override Properties
- File System Write Virtualization
- Installed Location Virtualization Properties
- In-Process Server Activatable Class Properties
- Out-of-Process Server Activatable Class Properties
- Proxy Stub Properties
- Edit Activatable Class Attributes
- Configure App Execution Alias Properties
- App Uri Handler Properties
- Application Settings
- Launch Actions
- Supported File Types
- Toast Notification Activation Properties
- Search Protocol Handler Properties
- Content URIs
- Manifest Editor
- MSIX Diff
- Languages
- App Compatibility
- Build
- Modification Package Project
- Optional Package Project
- Windows Mobile CAB Projects
- Visual Studio Extension Project
- Software Installer Wizards - Advanced Installer
- Visual Studio integration
- Alternative to AdminStudio/Wise
- Replace Wise
- Migrating from Visual Studio Installer
- Keyboard Shortcuts
- Shell Integration
- Command Line
- Return codes
- Editing
- Project Commands
- Set Version Command
- Version Command (Deprecated)
- Set Package Name Command
- Package Name Command (Deprecated)
- Set APPDIR Command
- Set Shortcutdir Command
- Set Property Command
- Property Command (Deprecated)
- Delete Property Command
- Get Property Command
- Set Product Code Command
- Set Bitmap Command
- Duplicate Project Command
- New Path Variable
- Update Path Variable
- Delete Path Variable
- Build Output Location
- Generate Project Report
- Files and Folders Commands
- Add File Command
- Add Temporary File Command
- Add Temporary Folder Command
- Update File Command
- Register File Command
- Delete File Command
- Delete Temporary File Command
- Add Folder Command
- Delete Folder Command
- New Shortcut Command
- Update Shortcut Command
- Delete Shortcut Command
- Import Shortcut Command
- New Synchronized Folder Command
- Reset Synchronized Folder Command
- Register Font Command
- Import XML File Command
- Delete XML File Command
- Import JSON File Command
- Delete JSON File Command
- Import INI File Command
- Delete INI File Command
- Refresh Synchronized folders Command
- New TXT File Update Command
- Appned TXT File Update Command
- Delete TXT File Update Command
- Set Folder Operations Command
- Add File Permission
- Delete File Permission
- Set File Permission
- Add Folder Permission
- Delete Folder Permission
- Set Folder Permission
- Registry Commands
- Search Commands
- Add File Search Command
- Delete File Search Command
- Add Directory Search Command
- Delete Directory Search Command
- Delete Search Command
- Add Registry Search Command
- Delete Registry Search Command
- Add Component Search Command
- Delete Component Search Command
- Add INI File Search Command
- Delete INI File Search Command
- Import Commands
- Merge Module Commands
- Updates Configuration Commands
- New Update Command
- Set Installed Detection Command
- Set Update Description Command
- Set Update Configuration Options Command
- Update Configuration Properties Command
- Add Update Configuration Dependency Command
- Add Update Configuration Replacement Command
- Delete Update Command
- Add Auto Close Applications
- Delete Auto Close Applications
- Configure Updater Notifications
- Patch Commands
- Launch Conditions Commands
- Miscellaneous Commands
- Build Only Bundled Package Command (Deprecated)
- Set Updates Url Command
- Add UpgradeCode Command
- Delete UpgradeCode Command
- New Prerequisite Command
- Update Prerequisite Command
- Delete Prerequisite Command
- Set Package Type Command
- Set Current Feature Command
- New Feature Command
- Update Feature Installation Behavior Command
- Set Component Attribute Command
- Set Component Condition Command
- New Environment Variable Command
- Delete Environment Variable Command
- Add File Association
- Delete File Association
- Add Language Command
- Delete Language Command
- Generate Serials
- Generate License
- Generate GUIDs for Multiple Instances
- Add Service Command
- Delete Service Command
- Set Icon Command
- Set EULA Command
- Generate Assets Command
- Add SQL Database Server
- Add SQL Script File Command
- Minimize Installation Time Command
- New Feature Command
- Edit MSIX projects through CLI
- Project Commands
- Advanced Installer PowerShell Automation Interfaces
- IAdvancedInstaller
- IAdvinstProject
- IProductDetails
- IFolder
- ILaunchConditionsComponent
- IFilesComponent
- IIniFilesComponent
- IShortcut
- ITempFile
- IXmlFile
- IDirectoryMember
- IRegistryComponent
- IInstallParameters
- IBuildComponent
- ITextFileUpdatesComponent
- ITextUpdateFile
- ITextUpdateAppendOrCreate
- ITextUpdateReplace
- IFileAssociations
- IDefaultProgramFA
- IExtensionFA
- IProgIdFA
- IVerbFA
- IEnvironment
- IEnvironmentVariable
- IProductCode
- IUpgradeCode
- IMergeModulesComponent
- IMergeModule
- IDigitalSignature
- ICustomActionsComponent
- ICustomAction
- ICustomActionSequence
- IAttachedFileCustomAction
- IAttachedScriptFileCustomAction
- IDotNetCustomAction
- IExeWithWorkingDirectoryCustomAction
- IFileCustomAction
- IInstalledFileCustomAction
- IInstalledScriptFileCustomAction
- IPowershellScriptFile
- IPowershellAttachedScriptFile
- IInstallCertificate
- IUninstallCertificate
- ICopyFileFolderCustomAction
- IFileFromPropertyCustomAction
- IScriptFileFromPropertyCustomAction
- IAttachedDllFunctionCallCustomAction
- IInstalledDllFunctionCallCustomAction
- ITranslationsComponent
- IDriversComponent
- ISearch
- IServices
- IOrganizationComponent
- IComComponent
- IRemoveFilesComponent
- IRemoveFile
- IUpdatesProject
- IUpdate
- IUpdateAutoCloseApp
- IUpdateInstalledDetection
- IUpdateInstalledBaseDetection
- IUpdateInstalledRegDetection
- IUpdateInstalledFileVerDetection
- IUpdateInstalledFileSizeDetection
- IUpdateInstalledExeDetection
- IUpdateInstalledUwpDetection
- IUpdateInstaller
- IUpdateProperties
- IUpdateReleaseNotes
- IUpdatesNotifications
- IUpdateTargetApp
- IUpdateTargets
- IUpdaterComponent
- IPatchProject
- IPropertyComponent
- IProperty
- IPathVariable
- IMsixComponent
- IMsixDependencies
- IMsixDriverDependency
- IMsixDriverConstraint
- IMsixExternalDependency
- IMsixPackageDependency
- ILicensing
- ILicenseTrialRegistration
- ILicensePackageSerialValidation
- ILicenseSku
- ILicenseTrial
- ILicenseTrialOptions
- ILicenseTrialDisplay
- Features and Functionality
- Changing Version
- Upgrades
- Synchronized Folders
- File Hashes
- Patches
- Single Package Authoring
- Single Instance Application
- Merge Modules
- Prerequisite Repository
- Native Java Launcher
- Packaging a Java App for Deployment on a Mac OS X
- Pack200 Compression
- LZMA Compression
- AES Encryption
- Smart Edit Control
- Smart Condition Edit Control
- Package User Interface
- Advanced Installer Updater
- Internet Information Services
- SQL Databases
- Serial Validation
- Best Practice
- ISO 19770-2
- Using the Table Editor
- Pin Program to Start Menu Automatically in Windows (App Packaging)
- Tutorials
- Simple Installation
- Professional Installation
- How to create a package using the command line interface
- Enterprise Installation
- Major upgrade tutorial
- Creating transforms
- Professional Installation using PowerShell commands
- Creating a ThinApp Package
- SharePoint Solution Installers
- Other Languages
- New Language
- Java Product Installation
- Java Service Installation
- Setup package for a Tomcat web application
- Mac OS X package for a Java application
- IntelliJ IDEA import
- Patch Authoring
- Debug Desktop Bridge Apps
- Deploying Updates
- Using the Dialog Editor
- Using SQL Databases
- App-V Tutorials
- Visual Studio Tutorials
- Convert Legacy Installations
- Convert EXE to MSI - Create an MSI package from EXE
- Creating Suite Installations
- Repackage Installation
- Repackage installation on a VMware machine
- Repackage Installation on a Hyper-V virtual machine
- Repackage installation in an Oracle VM VirtualBox machine
- Repackaging using vSphere
- Repackage an application from inside a Virtual Machine
- Convert legacy package to APPX
- Reuse Repackager snapshot
- Creating a new VM
- RAD Tools Integration
- MSI Import
- WISE Import
- Create MSIX
- Import MSIX
- Import Desktop Bridge AppX Package
- IIS Tutorial
- Deploy an MSI through GPO
- Add trial support to your VB application
- Multiple Builds
- XML Locator Search
- MSM with parameters for custom actions
- Edit MSI packages through CLI
- Create a package to deploy an Office Add-In developed in Visual Studio
- Running scripts inside MSIX
- How to import and convert an MSI to an MSIX without repackaging it?
- How to install a Windows service through an MSIX package.
- Configure Auto Updates for Your Application with Advanced Updater
- Integrating licensing support in electron application
- Deploy an MSIX package along with non-MSIX prerequisites
- Install Visual C++ Runtime
- MSI Package Validation Using a .CUB File
- Create an MSIX App Attach Image
- How to package a Node.js application and deploy it to users
- Add an MSIX build to your Visual Studio solution
- Run EXE as administrator or in compatibility mode
- Create a .NET Custom Action using Advanced Installer Extension for Visual Studio.
- Overcoming Challenges in Intune Deployment
- 'Save as Template' feature
- Samples
- How-tos
- Application/Package
- Files and Folders
- Launch file after installation
- Launch file after installation
- Replace a file using a transform
- Write text to a file
- Import and edit an XML file
- Install a user specific file
- Conditionally install a file or a registry
- Remove a file or a folder during installation
- Install in another application's folder
- Install files in a custom folder
- Deliver a file to all users profiles
- Install files with the same name
- Always install some resources in the "C:\Windows\System32"
- Always install some resources in the "C:\Program Files"
- Create shortcut only if a feature is installed
- Create an MSI with files outside
- Deploy files in the User Profile folder
- Installing a package on a USB drive
- Append data to existing REG_BINARY using Advanced Installer
- Deploy an Angular Application to IIS
- Preserve application settings using XML files
- Preserve application settings using registry values
- Preserve application settings using a custom action
- Services and Processes
- Custom Actions How Tos
- Create fully fledged C# custom actions
- Debug a .VBS custom action
- Debug a .Net Installer Custom Action
- Get installer properties in .Net Installer Class Custom Actions
- Create a patch that runs a custom action
- Launch a CMD or BAT file
- Add configurable parameters for a Merge Module
- Control the installation process using Custom Actions
- Integrate and debug custom actions
- Set an installer property using custom actions
- Access installer properties from deferred custom actions
- Handle .NET assembly custom action built to target any CPU architecture of .Net Runtime
- How to run a custom action before and after a prerequisite installation
- Secure Property
- Create a log
- Organization
- Load installer property from configuration file
- Pass configuration file for prerequisite
- Implement software identification
- Restart the machine after the installation
- Make the package install per-user or per-machine
- RegistrySearch
- Add HKCU registry entries or per-user files for all users
- Create MSI wrapper over EXE installers
- MSI Package Silent Install - How do I create one?
- Installing multiple instances from the command line
- Single-click run my application from its installation package
- Configure server-side serial number validation
- Validate serial number during Wizard Dialogs Stage only
- Collect installation data and send it to a web server
- Implement self-healing into the application
- Installing Driver
- Installing drivers in mixed packages
- Sideload MSIX using an MSI
- Deploying a Python script
- Deploy certificates required by Office 2010
- Installing Screen Saver
- Windows Restart Manager
- Create a chained installation
- Create an Access Database installer
- Create a web-based installation package.
- Install Add-in Express based Office add-ins
- Launch application at logon/startup
- How 32-bit setup packages behave on 64-bit machines
- Conditionally install a prerequisite based on the user selection
- Create updates with a repackaged application
- Set the Publisher ID for a UWP AppX
- Distribute Windows Updates among the installer
- Configure help setup package among the installer
- Localize a project segment
- How to have a property with different default value for each build
- Launch a certain application from an APPX package after install.
- Create AppInstaller file for MSIX packages.
- Instal and configure COMs.
- Azure Active Directory - registering Advanced Installer for Device Guard Signing.
- EV Code Signing in Advanced Installer
- Detect applications that keep files in use at install time.
- Add merge modules to your project.
- Build Microsoft Store distribution and sideloading distribution MSIX packages with a single build operation
- Import an MSIX built with Visual Studio
- Configuring Azure Trusted Signing or Digicert Keylocker
- Run powershell script to populate a CheckList
- Convert COM registration from MSI to MSIX.
- Installer for Large Resources Overcoming MSI Size Limits.
- Using Azure Trusted Signing in your GitHub Actions
- How to Brand Installers for Partners and Customers
- Repackaging Large Applications from a Packager's Perspective
- How to Add Custom Prerequisite to Your Project Using WiX Toolset
- How to Add Prerequisites to a Visual Studio Setup Project
- Files and Folders
- 32/64-bit
- User Interface
- Display dialog on button push
- Execute custom action on button push
- Set property on button push
- Refreshing a dialog after setting a property
- Display remaining time for current progress
- Adding print functionality to a dialog
- Set Edit control text on button push
- Browse for file
- Browse For Folder
- Localize EULA and ReadMe text
- configure EULA for setup
- Localize a property's value
- Localize the project specific UI dialogs of an MSI package
- Show language selection dialog
- Conditionally show "StartMenuShortcutsDlg"
- Conditionally show the "UpgradeDlg" dialog
- Show a custom feature selection dialog
- Show only features with associated CAB files in the selection tree
- Make sure an edit box is not empty
- Show a custom ExitDialog for Maintenance
- Play an Audio file
- HTML billboard control
- Show Image Slideshow using custom triggers
- Refresh dialog box controls
- Display dialogs by feature selection
- Check TCP port
- Get a free TCP port
- Update dinamically the value of the text attribute of a static text control
- Enable native frame with custom caption color and rounded corners on windows 11 installations
- Upgrade
- Integrate Updater In Application
- Updater as a service
- Wait for updater
- Upgrade an older version of the package
- Update a registry value
- Upgrading Older Versions of the Installer
- Renew certificate for LUA Patching
- Handle updates without elevation
- Installing only digitally signed updates
- Deploy updates for various regions, channels or editions
- Updater GitHub integration
- Uninstall/Maintenance
- Prevent Repair or Uninstall
- Perform a search in Application Folder during uninstall
- Uninstall Shortcut
- Force Uninstall
- Uninstall another MSI when my product is uninstalled
- Make the properties keep their values during Maintenance or Upgrade
- Make the properties change their values during Maintenance or Upgrade
- Install SQL Server Express
- Set up an ODBC connection
- Test SQL Connection
- Browse for SQL Servers
- Show Databases from an SQL Server
- Use a property in a SQL script
- Restore a database during installation
- Attach to a database during installation
- Set SQL connection authorization type
- Save the SQL ODBC connection string in my application config file
- Detect the latest ODBC driver installed on the machine
- Browse for IIS Web Sites & Virtual Directories
- Install an IIS website specified by the user
- Deploy IIS website
- Deploy PHP website
- Allow users to set identity/authentication for app pools and websites
- Enable IIS during installation
- Prevent IIS elements removal
- Install webapp resources under inetpub -> wwwroot
- Set Anonymous Authentication for specific objects under IIS element
- Deploy a React application to IIS Web Server
- Deploy a Python Application to IIS
- Java
- Licensing
- Integrate Licensing support in C++ applications
- Integrate Licensing support in C# or VB.NET applications
- Integrate Licensing support in Java applications
- Retrieve Licensing Elements
- Configure a license server for my licensing library
- Change the request license dialog from trial dialogs
- Create PowerShell wrapper for .Net trial.dll
- Advanced Analytics SDK
- Application/Package
- FAQs
- Windows Installer
- Product Identification
- Advertised Shortcuts
- Validating Installation Packages
- Formatted Type
- PseudoFormatted Type
- Properties
- Folders
- Windows Installer Properties - Topics
- Component Location Properties - Windows Installer Properties
- Configuration Properties
- Date and Time Properties
- Feature installation options Properties
- Hardware Properties
- Installation Status Properties
- Operating System Properties
- Product Information Properties
- Summary Information Properties
- User Information Properties
- Standard Actions
- Installer Unit
- Packages Types
- Command Line
- Windows SDK tools
- Assemblies and the WinSxS folder
- Deployment Technologies
- IT Pro
- Application packaging best practices
- Repackager
- Repackage and Import
- Repackaging Best Practices
- Wrapping vs Repackaging Best Practices
- Session Properties
- Check Machine State
- Repository Manager - Repackager
- Edit Capture Profiles
- Edit VM Profiles
- Prepare Docker Image
- Windows Sandbox Configuration
- Streamlining Repackaging Processes with Advanced Installer's Customization Feature
- App-V Editor Project
- MSI Quick-Edit
- MSIX Editor
- MSIX Tweaker
- MSIX Troubleshooter
- Video Tutorials
- How to Create an MSI Installer for Free
- How to convert an EXE to MSI
- How to create a PFX Certificate for Code Signing
- How to Run Batch file in CMD
- How to install Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable
- Msiexec.exe commands for MSI packages
- How to Install and Manage MSIX with PowerShell
- How to Deploy an ASP.NET web application to IIS Server
- How to Create a .NET Core Project Installer with Visual Studio Extension
- How to Create an MSI Installer for a Python Application
- Advanced Installer Blog
- Table of Contents