Settings Tab
In this tab you can specify some settings that will be used when the installation capture results will be imported into an Advanced Installer project.
Parse and Import INI files
If this option is enabled the INI files will not be added as regular files during import, but as Windows Installer entities. They will be imported in the IniTable.
Parse and Import XML files
If this option is enabled, the XML files will not be added as regular files during import, but as Advanced Installer XML editor entities. The files can be opened in the XML editor from the Files and Folders Page - Installer Project.
Parse and Import JSON files
If this option is enabled, the JSON files will not be added as regular files during import, but as Advanced Installer JSON editor entities. The files can be opened in the JSON editor from the Files and Folders Page - Installer Project.
Import shortcut files in Windows Installer format
If this option is enabled the shortcut files (.lnk) will not be added as regular files during import, but as Windows Installer entities. They will be imported in the ShorcutTable.
Make shortcuts advertised by default
By enabling this option, all repackaged shortcuts will have their "Advertised Shortcut" flag enabled.
Detect and replace resources with MSMs
This option is enabled by default and it automatically replaces captured resources (files and registry) with MSMs from the repository. This will happen only if the captured resources match any of the MSMs structure.
Interpret captured raw data
This group filters Advanced Installer's interpretation of captured resources to include them as project elements instead of regular resources. Registry entries and files, which are the usual captured resources, will be converted and added in the appropriate page of your project. For example if you enable “Services” option, the captured resources that match the pattern will be included as configured service entries in the Services page.
The recognizable project elements are:
- Services
- Drivers
- Environment Variables
- Scheduled Tasks
- File Associations
- Assemblies
- Windows Firewall Settings
These settings can be modified at any time, even after the
installation capture has been completed by accessing this dialog from the
Advanced Installer “Tools > Repackager” menu before importing an existing
installation capture file (.rpk).