Import XML File Command Option

XML (Extensible Markup Language) is a markup language and file format that was developed to establish a syntax for encoding documents that could be read by both people and machines. The main usage of an XML file resides in storing, transmitting, and reconstructing arbitrary data.

Learn how to import an XML file into the Advanced Installer project by writing the necessary command lines.

Command Syntax

/ImportXmlFile  <target_folder_path>

Imports an XML file in the project.


  • <target_folder_path>
  • The target project folder.
  • <source_file_path>
  • The source file's path.
  • [-forceoverwrite]
  • Optional switch that will overwrite any existing XML file (not normal file) from the project with the same name, otherwise it will skip importing the current file.

Example: /edit MyProject.aip
    /ImportXmlFile APPDIR C:\File.xml