

ILicenseTrialOptions : IDispatch


This interface is meant for application trial.


String DisplayName - Gets or sets the application name that will be used during Licensing user interface.

String PurchaseUrl - Gets or sets the URL from where the application can be purchased

String ContactEmail - Gets or sets the mail address where you will receive computer specific license requests

String ReleaseDate - Gets or sets the release date that will be used to validate the license maintenance plan

String LimitType - Gets or sets the way how the trial period should be limited. Supported values: “Time”, “Uses”, “TimeAndUses”

UINT Limit - Gets or sets the limit quantity of the trial period

UINT LimitToContinueOnNewInstalation - Gets or sets the minimum remaining trial quantity that should be set when an upgrade is performed

Bool AllowRequestTrialExtension - Gets or sets the option for allowing the user to request trial period extension

Bool TrialExtensionByMail - Gets or sets the option for extending trial period by mail

String TrialExtensionContact - Gets or sets the contact adress for extending trial period

String TrialExtensionCodes - Gets or sets the trial codes separated by space character

UINT TrialExtensionsDays - Gets or sets the number of days that trial will be extended

See also

