Minimize Installation Time Command Option

Command Syntax

-buildname <build_name>  
-[no_system_restore {yes|no}]  
-[only_file_costing {yes|no}]  
-[reduced_progress {yes|no}]

This command will minimize the installation time by seting the Don't save System Restore points for installation, Perform only file costing and skip checking other costs and Reduce the frequency of progress messages options from Install Parameters.


  • <build_name>
  • Specifies the name of the build for which the type is set. If you don't specify a build name the default build is used.
  • [no_system_restore {yes|no}]
  • If this option is set, Windows Installer will no longer create system restore points for the install process.
  • [only_file_costing {yes|no}]
  • If this option is set, Windows Installer will perform only file costing, ignoring the rest of costs.
  • [reduced_progress {yes|no}]
  • If this option is set, the installation progress is updated less frequently.

Example: /edit MyProject.aip
    /MinimizeInstallationTime -no_system_restore yes -only_file_costing yes -reduced_progress yes