

IComClassActiveX: IDispatch


This interface is meant to edit COM classes that will be registered.


Bool IsActivXContro - Gets or sets class as an ActiveX control.

Bool IsProgrammable - Gets or sets class as programmable.

Bool IsInsertable - Gets or sets the option of the class to appear in the Insert Object dialog box list box when used by COM container applications.

String BitmapPath - Gets or sets the bitmap path.

UINT BitmapResourceId - Gets or sets the bitmap resource id.

UINT Default - Gets or sets the option that specifies if no subkey that corresponds to a DvAspect is found, it uses the default value of Misc Status. Accepts null value.

UINT Content - Gets or sets a representation of an object so it can be displayed as an embedded object inside of a container. This value is typically specified for compound document objects. The presentation can be provided for the screen or printer. Accepts null value.

UINT Thumbnail - Gets or sets a thumbnail representation of an object so it can be displayed in a browsing tool. The thumbnail is approximately a 120 by 120 pixel, 16-color (recommended) device-independent bitmap potentially wrapped in a metafile.

UINT Icon - Gets or sets an iconic representation of an object.

UINT Docprint - Gets or sets a representation of the object on the screen as though it were printed to a printer using the Print command from the File menu. The described data may represent a sequence of pages.

String Extensions - Gets or sets the extensions which will be viewed using the control.

Array<String> ImplementedCategories - Gets the categories this COM implements.


AddCategory(String aGUID) - defines a new implemented category.

AddDotNetCategory() - specifies that this COM implements ".NET Category".

AddSafeForScriptingCategory() - specifies that this COM implements "Controls that are safely scriptable" category.

AddSafeForInitializingCategory() - specifies that this COM implements "Controls safely initializable from persistent data" category.

RemoveCategory(String aCategory) - removes the specified category.

See also

