- Introduction
- Registration
- Using Advanced Installer
- Working with Projects
- Installer Project
- Patch Project
- Merge Module Project
- Updates Configuration Project
- Windows Store App Project
- Modification Package Project
- Optional Package Project
- Windows Mobile CAB Projects
- Visual Studio Extension Project
- Software Installer Wizards - Advanced Installer
- Visual Studio integration
- Alternative to AdminStudio/Wise
- Replace Wise
- Migrating from Visual Studio Installer
- Keyboard Shortcuts
- Shell Integration
- Command Line
- Advanced Installer PowerShell Automation Interfaces
- IAdvancedInstaller
- IAdvinstProject
- IProductDetails
- IFolder
- ILaunchConditionsComponent
- IFilesComponent
- IIniFilesComponent
- IShortcut
- ITempFile
- IXmlFile
- IDirectoryMember
- IRegistryComponent
- IInstallParameters
- IBuildComponent
- ITextFileUpdatesComponent
- ITextUpdateFile
- ITextUpdateAppendOrCreate
- ITextUpdateReplace
- IFileAssociations
- IDefaultProgramFA
- IExtensionFA
- IProgIdFA
- IVerbFA
- IEnvironment
- IEnvironmentVariable
- IProductCode
- IUpgradeCode
- IMergeModulesComponent
- IMergeModule
- IDigitalSignature
- ICustomActionsComponent
- ICustomAction
- ICustomActionSequence
- IAttachedFileCustomAction
- IAttachedScriptFileCustomAction
- IDotNetCustomAction
- IExeWithWorkingDirectoryCustomAction
- IFileCustomAction
- IInstalledFileCustomAction
- IInstalledScriptFileCustomAction
- IPowershellScriptFile
- IPowershellAttachedScriptFile
- IInstallCertificate
- IUninstallCertificate
- ICopyFileFolderCustomAction
- IFileFromPropertyCustomAction
- IScriptFileFromPropertyCustomAction
- IAttachedDllFunctionCallCustomAction
- IInstalledDllFunctionCallCustomAction
- ITranslationsComponent
- IDriversComponent
- ISearch
- IServices
- IOrganizationComponent
- IComComponent
- IRemoveFilesComponent
- IRemoveFile
- IUpdatesProject
- IUpdaterComponent
- IPatchProject
- IPropertyComponent
- IProperty
- IPathVariable
- IMsixComponent
- IMsixDependencies
- IMsixDriverDependency
- IMsixDriverConstraint
- IMsixExternalDependency
- IMsixPackageDependency
- ILicensing
- ILicenseTrialRegistration
- ILicensePackageSerialValidation
- ILicenseSku
- ILicenseTrial
- ILicenseTrialOptions
- ILicenseTrialDisplay
- Features and Functionality
- Tutorials
- Samples
- How-tos
- FAQs
- Windows Installer
- Deployment Technologies
- IT Pro
- Video Tutorials
- Advanced Installer Blog
- Table of Contents
- Introduction
- Registration
- Using Advanced Installer
- Working with Projects
- Installer Project
- Patch Project
- Merge Module Project
- Updates Configuration Project
- Windows Store App Project
- Modification Package Project
- Optional Package Project
- Windows Mobile CAB Projects
- Visual Studio Extension Project
- Software Installer Wizards - Advanced Installer
- Visual Studio integration
- Alternative to AdminStudio/Wise
- Replace Wise
- Migrating from Visual Studio Installer
- Keyboard Shortcuts
- Shell Integration
- Command Line
- Advanced Installer PowerShell Automation Interfaces
- IAdvancedInstaller
- IAdvinstProject
- IProductDetails
- IFolder
- ILaunchConditionsComponent
- IFilesComponent
- IIniFilesComponent
- IShortcut
- ITempFile
- IXmlFile
- IDirectoryMember
- IRegistryComponent
- IInstallParameters
- IBuildComponent
- ITextFileUpdatesComponent
- ITextUpdateFile
- ITextUpdateAppendOrCreate
- ITextUpdateReplace
- IFileAssociations
- IDefaultProgramFA
- IExtensionFA
- IProgIdFA
- IVerbFA
- IEnvironment
- IEnvironmentVariable
- IProductCode
- IUpgradeCode
- IMergeModulesComponent
- IMergeModule
- IDigitalSignature
- ICustomActionsComponent
- ICustomAction
- ICustomActionSequence
- IAttachedFileCustomAction
- IAttachedScriptFileCustomAction
- IDotNetCustomAction
- IExeWithWorkingDirectoryCustomAction
- IFileCustomAction
- IInstalledFileCustomAction
- IInstalledScriptFileCustomAction
- IPowershellScriptFile
- IPowershellAttachedScriptFile
- IInstallCertificate
- IUninstallCertificate
- ICopyFileFolderCustomAction
- IFileFromPropertyCustomAction
- IScriptFileFromPropertyCustomAction
- IAttachedDllFunctionCallCustomAction
- IInstalledDllFunctionCallCustomAction
- ITranslationsComponent
- IDriversComponent
- ISearch
- IServices
- IOrganizationComponent
- IComComponent
- IRemoveFilesComponent
- IRemoveFile
- IUpdatesProject
- IUpdaterComponent
- IPatchProject
- IPropertyComponent
- IProperty
- IPathVariable
- IMsixComponent
- IMsixDependencies
- IMsixDriverDependency
- IMsixDriverConstraint
- IMsixExternalDependency
- IMsixPackageDependency
- ILicensing
- ILicenseTrialRegistration
- ILicensePackageSerialValidation
- ILicenseSku
- ILicenseTrial
- ILicenseTrialOptions
- ILicenseTrialDisplay
- Features and Functionality
- Tutorials
- Samples
- How-tos
- FAQs
- Windows Installer
- Deployment Technologies
- IT Pro
- Video Tutorials
- Advanced Installer Blog
- Table of Contents
IInstallCertificate : ICustomAction
This interface facilitates editing custom action that installs a certificate included in the installer. It requires administrative privileges to run, so make sure you set "RunAsAdministrator" property to “true” from Install Parameters.
String CertificateFilePath - Gets or sets the source path to the certificate file.
Bool InstallOnLocalMachine - Gets or sets the property of the custom action install the certificate on “Local Machine” or “Current User” location.
String StoreName - Gets or sets the name of the certificate store.