Service Properties - Windows Store App Project

This view allows you to configure the properties of a Windows Service declaration.

NoteServices declaration is only available only when the schema is set to Windows 10 from the Build Page - Windows Store App Project.

Windows Services

Application Settings

This section is described in Application Settings article.


Configure the service's specific properties:


The name of the service. This must be a string with a non-whitespace character at the beginning or at the end.

Startup Type

The startup type for the service:

  • Automatic
  • Manual
  • Disabled

Start Account

The type of account on which the service will run:

  • localSystem
  • localService
  • networkService


Arguments to be passed to the service (optional). This must be a string with a non-whitespace character at the beginning or at the end.


In this field, one or more dependent services can be specified using New, Edit and Delete buttons:

  • New
    • Add a new dependent service
  • Edit
    • Edit the existing dependent service
  • Delete
    • Delete the existing dependent service

Trigger Events

In this field, one or more trigger events can be specified: using New, Edit and Delete buttons:

Trigger Events



This GUID in the form "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx" identifies the trigger event subtype.


The action type for the trigger event:

  • Start
  • Stop

String Data

In this field, one or more string data values can be specified for the trigger event using New, Edit and Delete buttons.

Binary Data

In this field, binary data can be specified for the trigger event using New, Edit and Delete buttons.

Level Data

In this field, a byte value for the trigger event can be specified using New, Edit and Delete buttons.

Keyword Any Data

In this field, a 64-bit unsigned integer value for the trigger event can be specified using New, Edit and Delete buttons.

Keyword All Data

In this field, a 64-bit unsigned integer value for the trigger event can be specified using New, Edit and Delete buttons.