How to integrate support for securing a property in my C++ application?
The following article uses options that are available starting
with the Professional edition and project
Step 1 - Loading and initializing the SecureProp library
// "GetRevealedTextLength" function signature typedef size_t (__stdcall * GetTextLengthFcn)(LPCWSTR); // "RevealText" function signature typedef void (__stdcall * RevealTextFcn)(LPCWSTR, LPWSTR, size_t); HMODULE hModule = NULL; void InitSecurePropSupport(GetTextLengthFcn & aGetTextLengthFcn, RevealTextFcn & aRevealTextFcn) { // The name of the dll file to load const wstring kDllName = L"SecureProp.dll"; // Try to load the dll file hModule = ::LoadLibrary(kDllName.c_str()); if (!hModule) { // Couldn't load the dll file, so just output an error message wcerr << L"Couldn't load " << kDllName << endl; return; } // Match the calling convention of the "GetRevealedTextLength" exported function aGetTextLengthFcn = reinterpret_cast<GetTextLengthFcn>(::GetProcAddress(hModule, "GetRevealedTextLength")); if (aGetTextLengthFcn == NULL) { // Function signature mismatch wcerr << L"Couldn't match the function signature of GetRevealedTextLength" << endl; return; } // Match the calling convention of the "RevealText" exported function aRevealTextFcn = reinterpret_cast<RevealTextFcn<(::GetProcAddress(hModule, "RevealText")); if (aRevealTextFcn == NULL) { // Function signature mismatch wcerr << L"Couldn't match the function signature of RevealText" << endl; return; } }
SecureProp library exported functions
- GetRevealedTextLength - the DLL exported function that reveals the secured text and returns its length
- RevealText - the DLL exported function that reveals the secured text and stores the result in the provided buffer
Step 2 - Using the SecureProp library
void SecureProps() { //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Load the SecureProp library and initialize the exported functions //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ GetTextLengthFcn GetRevealedTextLength = NULL; RevealTextFcn RevealText = NULL; InitSecurePropSupport(GetRevealedTextLength, RevealText); if (GetRevealedTextLength == NULL || RevealText == NULL) return; // Load the properties from the ini file vector<Property> properties; LoadPropertiesFromIni(properties); if (properties.empty()) return; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Use the SecureProp library //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ for (size_t i = 0; i < properties.size(); i++) { LPCWSTR propValue = properties[i].mValue.c_str(); //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Exported function call // Reveal the secured text and return its length //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ size_t textLength = GetRevealedTextLength(propValue); // Allocate a buffer of wide characters with the length: textLength + 1 // We need to add 1 in order to provide space for the null terminator wchar_t * textBuffer = new wchar_t[++textLength]; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Exported function call // Reveal the secured text and store the result in the provided buffer //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ RevealText(propValue, textBuffer, textLength); // Output the revealed text wcout << properties[i].mName << L" = " << textBuffer << endl; // Delete the text buffer delete[] textBuffer; textBuffer = NULL; } // Free the loaded dll file ::FreeLibrary(hModule); }
Sample Project
Download the C++ sample showcasing how the secure property functionality works.